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Uberon Ontology

dorsal longitudinal fasciculus

Term ID
  • accessory cochlear nucleus
  • DLF
  • dorsal longitudinal fascicle
  • fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis
  • fasciculus longitudinalis posterior
  • nucleus acustici accessorici
  • nucleus cochlearis anterior
  • nucleus cochlearis ventralis
  • ventral cochlear nuclei
  • ventral division of cochlear nucleus
A fiber bundle containing fibers from nuclei of the hypothalamus that project to the dorsal tegmental nucleus and other regions of the midbrain and the pons, as well as fibers originating in the pontine reticular formation and the medullary reticular formation that project to the thalamus and other regions of the forebrain (Carpenter-83). In NeuroNames it is a composite structure consisting of the dorsal longitudinal fasciculus of hypothalamus, the dorsal longitudinal fasciculus of midbrain, the dorsal longitudinal fasciculus of pons and the dorsal longitudinal fasciculus of medulla. (NeuroNames)
Uberon Ontology
has parts
is a type of