Term: retinal bipolar neuron synapse
Note: This page represents a term created by the combination ("post-composition") of two ontology terms. For more information on the individual terms, click the hyperlinked name.
Name: retinal bipolar neuron
Definition: A bipolar neuron found in the retina and having connections with photoreceptors cells and neurons in the inner plexiform layer.
Ontology: Anatomy Ontology [ZFA:0009318]
Name: synapse
Synonyms: electrotonic synapse, mixed synapse, synaptic junction
Definition: The junction between an axon of one neuron and a dendrite of another neuron, a muscle fiber or a glial cell. As the axon approaches the synapse it enlarges into a specialized structure, the presynaptic terminal bouton, which contains mitochondria and synaptic vesicles. At the tip of the terminal bouton is the presynaptic membrane; facing it, and separated from it by a minute cleft (the synaptic cleft) is a specialized area of membrane on the receiving cell, known as the postsynaptic membrane. In response to the arrival of nerve impulses, the presynaptic terminal bouton secretes molecules of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft. These diffuse across the cleft and transmit the signal to the postsynaptic membrane.
Ontology: GO: Cellular Component [GO:0045202]    QuickGO    AmiGO