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Poureetezadi et al., 2016
Fig. 4
TU + MO1-ptger4a
TU + MO2-ptger4a
Jin et al., 2014
Fig. 5
WT + MO2-ptger4a
- brain hydrocephalic, abnormal
- brain ventricular system edematous, abnormal
- cilium assembly decreased process quality, abnormal
- heart bilateral symmetry, abnormal
- heart looping process quality, abnormal
- Kupffer's vesicle has fewer parts of type Kupffer's vesicle motile cilium, abnormal
- Kupffer's vesicle motile cilium decreased length, abnormal
- lateral crista has fewer parts of type lateral crista kinocilium, abnormal
- otic vesicle has extra parts of type otolith, abnormal
- post-vent region curved ventral, abnormal
- trunk curved ventral, abnormal
Nissim et al., 2014
Fig. 1
as3Tg + MO1-ptger4a + MO2-ptger4a
Fig. 2
WT + MO1-ptger4a + MO2-ptger4a
zf578Tg + MO1-ptger4a + MO2-ptger4a
North et al., 2007
Fig. S1
WT + MO1-ptger4a + MO2-ptger4a
Villablanca et al., 2007
Fig. 5
WT + MO2-ptger4a
Cha et al., 2006
Fig. 3
WT + MO2-ptger4a