ZFIN ID: ZDB-SSLP-990911-82

Mapping Details

SSLP: z14228
PHYSICAL MAPPING No data available

Chr Location Mapped As Panel Mapped By Scoring
3 43.3 cM z14228 Boston MGH Cross (MGH) Fishman, Mark C. Data
3 1347.0 cR z14228 Goodfellow T51 (T51) Geisler, Robert Data
Note: Physical map location as displayed in the genome browsers is more precise than linkage map location.
Physical map location should be used whenever possible.
Marker Type Chr Distance Publication / Person Comments
fj58b08 EST 3 Lewis et al., 2004 Lewis and Ward (2004, Gene 38(1):65-74) mapped stat5.1 to LG3 on the T51 panel using ESTs, STSs and SSLPs.
unp1137 STS 3 Lewis et al., 2004 Lewis and Ward (2004, Gene 38(1):65-74) mapped stat5.1 to LG3 on the T51 panel using ESTs, STSs and SSLPs.
fj43f12 EST 3 Lewis et al., 2004 Lewis and Ward (2004, Gene 38(1):65-74) mapped stat5.1 to LG3 on the T51 panel using ESTs, STSs and SSLPs.
fc75a07 EST 3 Lewis et al., 2004 Lewis and Ward (2004, Gene 38(1):65-74) mapped stat5.1 to LG3 on the T51 panel using ESTs, STSs and SSLPs.
unp1142 STS 3 Lewis et al., 2004 Lewis and Ward (2004, Gene 38(1):65-74) mapped stat5.1 to LG3 on the T51 panel using ESTs, STSs and SSLPs.
z6566 SSLP 3 Lewis et al., 2004 Lewis and Ward (2004, Gene 38(1):65-74) mapped stat5.1 to LG3 on the T51 panel using ESTs, STSs and SSLPs.
stat5a GENE 3 14.0 cR Lewis et al., 2004 Lewis and Ward (2004, Gene 38(1):65-74) mapped stat5.1 to LG3 on the T51 panel using ESTs, STSs and SSLPs.
z8208 SSLP 3 Plaster et al., 2006 Plaster, et al. (2006. Cell Death Differ. 13:223-23) reports mapping ta53c to  ...
ta53c Feature 3 Plaster et al., 2006 Plaster, et al. (2006. Cell Death Differ. 13:223-23) reports mapping ta53c to  ...

Chr 3 Plaster et al., 2006 Plaster, et al. (2006. Cell Death Differ. 13:223-23) reports mapping ta53c to LG3 between Z8208 and  ...