ZFIN ID: ZDB-GENE-021115-1

Mapping Details

Gene Name: solute carrier family 11 member 2
Symbol: slc11a2
Genome Browser Chr Position Assembly
ZFIN JBrowse 11 281,833 - 287,670 GRCz11
Ensembl 11 281,833 - 287,670 GRCz11
Vega 11 262,379 - 268,216 GRCv10
NCBI Map Viewer 11 281,835 - 295,720 GRCz11
UCSC 11 - GRCz11
PHYSICAL MAPPING No data available

Chr Location Mapped As Panel Mapped By Scoring
11 0.0 cM slc11a2 Heat Shock (HS) Woods, Ian G. Data
Note: Physical map location as displayed in the genome browsers is more precise than linkage map location.
Physical map location should be used whenever possible.

Genomic Feature te216 is an allele of slc11a2
Chr Location Mapped As Panel Mapped By Scoring
11 0.5 cM te216 Boston MGH Cross (MGH) Geisler, Robert Data
Note: Physical map location as displayed in the genome browsers is more precise than linkage map location.
Physical map location should be used whenever possible.
Genomic Feature te216 is an allele of slc11a2
Marker Type Chr Distance Publication / Person Comments
chunp111 STS 11 Donovan et al., 2002 Donovan et. al. (2002, Blood 100:4655-4659) report mapping slc11a2 to LG11 using STSs.
chunp115 STS 11 Donovan et al., 2002 Donovan et. al. (2002, Blood 100:4655-4659) report mapping slc11a2 to LG11 using STSs.
chunp113 STS 11 Donovan et al., 2002 Donovan et. al. (2002, Blood 100:4655-4659) report mapping slc11a2 to LG11 using STSs.
Genomic Feature te216 is an allele of slc11a2
Chr 11 Donovan et al., 2002 Donovan et. al. (2002, Blood 100:4655-4659) report mapping slc11a2 to LG11 using STSs.