ZFIN ID: ZDB-GENE-030131-6665

Mapping Details

Gene Name: cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, delta (muscle)
Symbol: chrnd
Genome Build: GRCz11Chromosome: 24
Genome Browser Chr Position Assembly
ZFIN JBrowse 24 25,683,071 - 25,691,020 GRCz11
Ensembl 24 25,683,071 - 25,691,020 GRCz11
Vega 24 25,538,120 - 25,546,069 GRCv10
NCBI Map Viewer 24 25,683,024 - 25,691,020 GRCz11
UCSC 24 - GRCz11
Mapped Clones containing chrnd
CH211-118O21 Chr: 24 Details
Feature Chr Position Assembly Citations
sa7519 24 25,688,301 GRCz11 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
24 25,543,350 GRCz10 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
24 25,970,444 Zv9 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
sa30106 24 25,690,158 GRCz11 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
24 25,545,207 GRCz10 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
24 25,968,587 Zv9 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
sb13 24 25,689,043 GRCz11 Etard et al., 2005
tj19d 24 25,690,168 GRCz11 Ono et al., 2004
la014554Tg 24 25,975,608 - 25,975,618 Zv9

Chr Location Mapped As Panel Mapped By Scoring
21 62.7 cM chrnd Heat Shock (HS) Woods, Ian G. Data
Note: Physical map location as displayed in the genome browsers is more precise than linkage map location.
Physical map location should be used whenever possible.

Genomic Feature sb13 is an allele of chrnd
Marker Type Chr Distance Publication / Person Comments
z7823 SSLP 24 9.03 cM Etard et al., 2005 Etard, et al. (2005. Dev. Dyn. 234:1016-1025) reports mapping the sb13 allele  ...
z14410 SSLP 24 6.2 cM Etard et al., 2005 Etard, et al. (2005. Dev. Dyn. 234:1016-1025) reports mapping the sb13 allele  ...
z8314 SSLP 24 1.6 cM Etard et al., 2005 Etard, et al. (2005. Dev. Dyn. 234:1016-1025) reports mapping the sb13 allele  ...
Genomic Feature tj19d is an allele of chrnd