ZFIN ID: ZDB-EXP-230224-5
Experiment Conditions Description: chemical treatment by environment: etidronate disodium, chemical treatment by environment: dexamethasone
chemical treatment by environment: etidronate disodium
Name: chemical treatment by environment
Definition: Chemical treatment condition in which the chemical is introduced through the environment. For zebrafish this is the tank water.
Ontology: Zebrafish Environment Condition Ontology [ZECO:0000238]
Name: etidronate disodium
Synonyms: (1-hydroxyethane-1,1-diyl)diphosphonic acid disodium salt, (1-hydroxyethylidene)diphosphonic acid, disodium salt, 1-hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid disodium salt, Didronel, disodium (1-hydroxyethane-1,1-diyl)bis[hydrogen (phosphonate)], disodium (1-hydroxyethylidene)diphosphonate, disodium 1-hydroxyethylidene phosphonate, disodium dihydrogen (1-hydroxyethylidene)diphosphonate, disodium ethane-1-hydroxy-1,1-diphosphonate, disodium ethanol-1,1-diphosphonate, disodium ethydronate, disodium etidronate, sodium ethidronate, sodium ethydronate, sodium etidronate
Definition: An organic sodium salt resulting from the replacement of two protons from etidronic acid (one from from each of the phosphonic acid groups) by sodium ions.
Ontology: ChEBI [CHEBI:4906]  ( EBI )
chemical treatment by environment: dexamethasone
Name: chemical treatment by environment
Definition: Chemical treatment condition in which the chemical is introduced through the environment. For zebrafish this is the tank water.
Ontology: Zebrafish Environment Condition Ontology [ZECO:0000238]
Name: dexamethasone
Synonyms: (11beta,16alpha)-9-fluoro-11,17,21-trihydroxy-16-methylpregna-1,4-diene-3,20-dione, 1-dehydro-16alpha-methyl-9alpha-fluorohydrocortisone, 16alpha-methyl-9alpha-fluoro-1-dehydrocortisol, 9-fluoro-11beta,17,21-trihydroxy-16alpha-methylpregna-1,4-diene-3,20-dione, 9alpha-fluoro-16alpha-methylprednisolone, Aeroseb-Dex, Auxiron, Azium, Calonat, Corson, Cortisumman, Decacort, Decadron, Decaject, Decalix, Decameth, Dexacortal, Dexacortin, dexametasona, Dexamethasone, dexamethasonum, Dexason, Dexasone, DexPak, Diodex, fluormethylprednisolone, Hexadrol, Maxidex, Millicorten, Oradexon, Ozurdex, Solurex, Zema-Pak
Definition: A fluorinated steroid that is 9-fluoropregna-1,4-diene substituted by hydroxy groups at positions 11, 17 and 21, a methyl group at position 16 and oxo groups at positions 3 and 20. It is a synthetic member of the class of glucocorticoids.
Ontology: ChEBI [CHEBI:41879]  ( EBI )
Publication: Hu et al., 2022