Transgenic Construct


Previous Names
Regulatory Regions
Coding Sequences
[Em λ][Ex λ]
Contains Sequences
Plasmid Map
Genomic Features
That Utilize Tg(sox10:DsRed) Construct
Genomic Feature Affected Genomic Regions
That Utilize Tg(sox10:DsRed) Construct
Fish Affected Genomic Regions Phenotype Gene Expression
barx1ci3030Tg/+; el10Tg; el609Tg Fig. 3 from Paudel et al., 2022
dlx5aj1073aGt; el10Tg Fig. 1 with image from Askary et al., 2017
dlx5aj1073aGt; el10Tg (TU) Fig. 1 with image from Barske et al., 2018
edn1tf216b/tf216b; el10Tg; y1Tg Fig. 4 with image from Askary et al., 2017
2 figures with image from 2 publications
el10Tg (TU)
Fig. 2 with image from Barske et al., 2018
el10Tg/+ + MO1-nkx3-2
Fig. 4 with image from Smeeton et al., 2021
el10Tg/el10Tg; y1Tg/y1Tg
Fig. 1 with image from Okeke et al., 2022
el10Tg; el483Tg
Fig. 4 with image from Askary et al., 2015
el10Tg; nu13Tg
Fig. 4 with image from Askary et al., 2015
el10Tg; pd24Tg
Fig. 1 with image from Askary et al., 2017
el10Tg; pt6Tg
Fig. 4 from Paudel et al., 2022
el10Tg; y1Tg
7 figures with image from 3 publications
irx1bel833/el833; irx7el540/el540; irx4bel834/el834; el10Tg Fig. 3 with image from Farmer et al., 2021
irx7el538/el538; el10Tg; el483Tg Fig. 4 with image from Askary et al., 2015
irx7el538/el538; el10Tg; nu13Tg Fig. 4 with image from Askary et al., 2015
irx7el538/el538; trps1j1271aGt; el10Tg Fig. 3 with image from Askary et al., 2015 Fig. 3 with image from Askary et al., 2015
jag1bb1105/b1105; el10Tg; y1Tg Fig. 4 with image from Askary et al., 2017
nkx3-2el802/el802; trps1j1271aGt/+; el10Tg/+ Fig. 1 with image from Smeeton et al., 2021
nr2f1bel523/+; nr2f2el506/el506; nr2f5el611/el611; el10Tg (TU) Fig. 2 with image from Barske et al., 2018 Fig. 2 with image from Barske et al., 2018
nr2f2el506/+; nr2f5el611/el611; el10Tg/el10Tg; y1Tg/y1Tg Fig. 1 with image from Okeke et al., 2022
nr2f2el506/el506; nr2f5el611/el611; el10Tg/el10Tg; y1Tg/y1Tg Fig. 1 with image from Okeke et al., 2022
sox9azc81Tg; el10Tg Fig. 1 from Paudel et al., 2022
trps1j1271aGt/+; el10Tg/+ Fig. 1 with image from Smeeton et al., 2021
trps1j1271aGt; el10Tg 3 figures with image from 2 publications
Sequence Information
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