Transgenic Construct


Previous Names
  • TOPdGFP (1)
  • Tg(OTM:GFP)
  • Tg(TOP:GFP)
  • tg(top:gfp)
Regulatory Regions
Coding Sequences
Contains Sequences
The TOPdGFP reporter construct contains four consensus Lef binding sites and a minimal cFos promoter, driving a destabilized GFP transgene. This reporter should only be transcriptionally active in the presence of both stabilized beta-catenin and Lef/Tcf proteins. -- ZDB-PUB-020115-2
Plasmid Map
Genomic Features
That Utilize Tg(top:GFP) Construct
Genomic Feature Affected Genomic Regions
That Utilize Tg(top:GFP) Construct
Fish Affected Genomic Regions Phenotype Gene Expression
apchu745; w25Tg Fig. 4 from Shelton et al., 2006
apchu745; w25Tg + MO1-tcf7l2
Fig. 4 from Shelton et al., 2006
apczf134/zf134; axin1tm13/tm13; w25Tg Fig. 1 with image from Tee et al., 2009 Fig. 1 with image from Tee et al., 2009
apczf134/zf134; w25Tg Fig. 1 with image from Paridaen et al., 2009 2 figures with image from 2 publications
lef1zd11/zd11; w25Tg Fig. 1 with image from Xie et al., 2017 Fig. 1 with image from Xie et al., 2017
med12y82/y82; w25Tg/+ Fig. 3 with image from Spikol et al., 2018
sfpqkg41/kg41; w25Tg Fig. S1 with image from Thomas-Jinu et al., 2017
31 figures with image from 28 publications
w25Tg (AB)
Fig. 1 with image from Veien et al., 2008
w25Tg + MO1-apc
Fig. 1 with image from Phelps et al., 2009
w25Tg + MO1-ccdc136b
Fig. 4 from Wei et al., 2016
w25Tg + MO1-ctnnb1
Fig. S5 from Upadhyay et al., 2008 Fig. S5 from Upadhyay et al., 2008
w25Tg + MO1-cyp2aa3,cyp2aa9
Fig. 3 with image from Chen et al., 2016 Fig. 3 with image from Chen et al., 2016
w25Tg + MO1-dock4a
2 figures from Upadhyay et al., 2008 2 figures from Upadhyay et al., 2008
w25Tg + MO1-dot1l + MO4-tp53
Fig. 7 with image from Mahmoudi et al., 2010 Fig. 7 with image from Mahmoudi et al., 2010
w25Tg + MO1-fam53b + MO4-tp53
Fig. 1 with image from Kizil et al., 2014
w25Tg + MO1-hdac1 + MO1-nlk2 + MO4-tp53
Fig. 7 from Ota et al., 2012
w25Tg + MO1-hdac1 + MO4-tp53
Fig. 7 from Ota et al., 2012
w25Tg + MO1-hmgb1a + MO1-hmgb2a + MO2-hmgb1a + MO2-hmgb2a
Fig. 6 with image from Itou et al., 2011 2 figures with image from Itou et al., 2011
w25Tg + MO1-hmgb1a + MO2-hmgb1a
Fig. 6 with image from Itou et al., 2011 Fig. 6 with image from Itou et al., 2011
w25Tg + MO1-hmgb2a + MO2-hmgb2a
Fig. 6 with image from Itou et al., 2011 Fig. 6 with image from Itou et al., 2011
w25Tg + MO1-lef1
Fig. 3 from Ishitani et al., 2005 Fig. 3 from Ishitani et al., 2005
w25Tg + MO1-mllt10 + MO4-tp53
Fig. 7 with image from Mahmoudi et al., 2010 Fig. 7 with image from Mahmoudi et al., 2010
w25Tg + MO1-net1
Fig. 2 from Wei et al., 2017
w25Tg + MO1-nlk2
2 figures from Ota et al., 2012
w25Tg + MO1-nlk2 + MO4-tp53
2 figures from Ota et al., 2012
w25Tg + MO1-nrarpa
Fig. 3 from Ishitani et al., 2005 Fig. 3 from Ishitani et al., 2005
w25Tg + MO1-prr7
Fig. s7 with image from Kim et al., 2017
w25Tg + MO1-wnt1 + MO4-tp53
Fig. 4 from Ota et al., 2012
w25Tg + MO2-bptf + MO3-bptf
Fig. 6 from Ma et al., 2015
w25Tg + MO2-dot1l + MO4-tp53
Fig. 7 with image from Mahmoudi et al., 2010 Fig. 7 with image from Mahmoudi et al., 2010
w25Tg + MO2-fam53b + MO4-tp53
Fig. 1 with image from Kizil et al., 2014
w25Tg + MO2-lef1
2 figures from Ota et al., 2012
w25Tg + MO2-lef1 + MO4-tp53
Fig. 1 from Ota et al., 2012
w25Tg + MO2-mllt10 + MO4-tp53
Fig. 7 with image from Mahmoudi et al., 2010 Fig. 7 with image from Mahmoudi et al., 2010
w25Tg + MO2-nlk2
Fig. 1 from Ota et al., 2012
w25Tg + MO2-nlk2 + MO4-tp53
Fig. 1 from Ota et al., 2012
w25Tg + MO2-sfrp5 + MO3-sfrp1a
Fig. 4 with image from Holly et al., 2014 Fig. 4 with image from Holly et al., 2014
w25Tg + MO3-fzd5
Fig. 2 from Liu et al., 2016 Fig. 2 from Liu et al., 2016
w25Tg + MO3-lrp5 + MO4-lrp5
Fig. 3 with image from Willems et al., 2015 Fig. 3 with image from Willems et al., 2015
w25Tg + MO3-nipblb
Fig. 3 from Mazzola et al., 2019 Fig. 3 from Mazzola et al., 2019
w25Tg + MO3-tcf7l2 + MO4-tp53
Fig. 7 with image from Mahmoudi et al., 2010 Fig. 7 with image from Mahmoudi et al., 2010
w25Tg + MO3-tmem88a + MO4-tmem88a
Fig. 9 with image from Novikov et al., 2013 Fig. 9 with image from Novikov et al., 2013
w25Tg + MO4-sox17
Fig. 6 from Chung et al., 2011
w25Tg + MO4-tp53
2 figures with image from 2 publications
3 figures with image from 2 publications
w25Tg/+ (AB)
w25Tg/+ + MO2-ctnnb2
Fig. 2 with image from Große et al., 2019
w25Tg/+ + MO3-amer1
Fig. 2 with image from Große et al., 2019
w25Tg/+ + MO4-tp53
Fig. 2 with image from Große et al., 2019
Sequence Information
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