Measuring Sleep and Activity Patterns in Adult Zebrafish

Doldur-Balli, F., Zimmerman, A.J., Seiler, C., Veatch, O., Pack, A.I.
Bio-protocol   14: e5014e5014 (Journal)
Registered Authors
Seiler, Christoph
Activity, Adult zebrafish, Juvenile, Melatonin, Sleep
MeSH Terms
38948256 Full text @ Bio Protoc
Sleep is an essential behavior that is still poorly understood. Sleep abnormalities accompany a variety of psychiatric and neurological disorders, and sleep can serve as a modifiable behavior in the treatment of these disorders. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) has proven to be a powerful model organism to study sleep and the interplay between sleep and these disorders due to the high conservation of the neuro-modulatory mechanisms that control sleep and wake states between zebrafish and humans. The zebrafish is a diurnal vertebrate with a relatively simple nervous system compared to mammalian models, exhibiting conservation of sleep ontogeny across different life stages. Zebrafish larvae are an established high-throughput model to assess sleep phenotypes and the biological underpinnings of sleep disturbances. To date, sleep measurement in juvenile and adult zebrafish has not been performed in a standardized and reproducible manner because of the relatively low-throughput nature in relation to their larval counterparts. This has left a gap in understanding sleep across later stages of life that are relevant to many psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders. Several research groups have used homemade systems to address this gap. Here, we report employing commercially available equipment to track activity and sleep/wake patterns in juvenile and adult zebrafish. The equipment allows researchers to perform automated behavior assays in an isolated environment with light/dark and temperature control for multiple days. We first explain the experimental procedure to track the sleep and activity of adult zebrafish and then validate the protocol by measuring the effects of melatonin and DMSO administration. Key features • Allows an isolated and controllable environment to carry out activity and sleep assays in juvenile and adult zebrafish. • Measures activity of zebrafish in life stages later than early development, which requires feeding animals during the assay. • Requires use of a commercially available equipment system and six tanks. • The activity of zebrafish can be tracked for five days including an acclimation step.
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Human Disease / Model
Sequence Targeting Reagents
Engineered Foreign Genes