ZFIN ID: ZDB-PERS-990423-3
Sirotkin, Howard
Email: howard.sirotkin@sunysb.edu
Affiliation: Sirotkin Lab
Address: Department of Neurobiology and Behavior 505 Life Sciences Building State University of New York at Stony Brook Stony Brook, NY 11794 USA
Country: United States
Phone: (631) 632-4818
Fax: (631) 632-6661
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1428-867X


Napoli, A.J., Laderwager, S., Zoodsma, J.D., Biju, B., Mucollari, O., Schubel, S.K., Aprea, C., Sayed, A., Morgan, K., Napoli, A., Flanagan, S., Wollmuth, L.P., Sirotkin, H.I. (2024) Developmental loss of NMDA receptors results in supernumerary forebrain neurons through delayed maturation of transit-amplifying neuroblasts. Scientific Reports. 14:33953395
Zoodsma, J.D., Gomes, C.I., Sirotkin, H.I., Wollmuth, L.P. (2024) Behavioral Assays Dissecting NMDA Receptor Function in Zebrafish. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2799:243255243-255
Zoodsma, J.D., Boonkanon, C., Running, L., Basharat, R., Atilla-Gokcumen, G.E., Aga, D.S., Sirotkin, H.I. (2023) PFOS impacts complex behaviors in larval zebrafish. Environmental toxicology and chemistry. 43(4):847-855
Zoodsma, J.D., Keegan, E.J., Moody, G.R., Bhandiwad, A.A., Napoli, A.J., Burgess, H.A., Wollmuth, L.P., Sirotkin, H.I. (2022) Disruption of grin2B, an ASD-associated gene, produces social deficits in zebrafish. Molecular autism. 13:38
Brunelle, L.D., Huang, I.J., Angeles, L.F., Running, L.S., Sirotkin, H.I., McElroy, A.E., Aga, D.S. (2022) Comprehensive assessment of chemical residues in surface and wastewater using passive sampling, chemical, biological, and fish behavioral assays. The Science of the total environment. 828:154176
Huang, I.J., Dheilly, N.M., Sirotkin, H.I., McElroy, A.E. (2020) Comparative transcriptomics implicate mitochondrial and neurodevelopmental impairments in larval zebrafish (Danio rerio) exposed to two selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Ecotoxicology and environmental safety. 203:110934
Wint, J.M., Sirotkin, H.I. (2020) Lrrk2 modulation of Wnt signaling during zebrafish development. Journal of neuroscience research. 98(10):1831-1842
Zoodsma, J.D., Chan, K., Bhandiwad, A.A., Golann, D., Liu, G., Syed, S., Napoli, A., Burgess, H.A., Sirotkin, H.I., Wollmuth, L.P. (2020) A Model to Study NMDA Receptors in Early Nervous System Development. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 40(18):3631-3645
Monestime, C.M., Taibi, A., Gates, K.P., Jiang, K., Sirotkin, H.I. (2019) CoRest1 regulates neurogenesis in a stage-dependent manner. Developmental Dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 248(10):918-930
Huang, I.J., Sirotkin, H.I., McElroy, A.E. (2019) Varying the exposure period and duration of neuroactive pharmaceuticals and their metabolites modulates effects on the visual motor response in zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae. Neurotoxicology and teratology. 72:39-48
Moravec, C.E., Yousef, H., Kinney, B.A., Salerno-Eichenholz, R., Monestime, C., Martin, B.L., Sirotkin, H.I. (2017) Zebrafish sin3b mutants are viable but have size, skeletal and locomotor defects. Developmental Dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 246(11):946-955
Moravec, C.E., Samuel, J., Weng, W., Wood, I.C., Sirotkin, H.I. (2016) Maternal Rest/Nrsf Regulates Zebrafish Behavior through snap25a/b. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 36:9407-19
Moravec, C.E., Li, E., Maaswinkel, H., Kritzer, M.F., Weng, W., Sirotkin, H.I. (2015) Rest mutant zebrafish swim erratically and display atypical spatial preferences. Behavioural brain research. 284:238-48
Kim, L., He, L., Maaswinkel, H., Zhu, L., Sirotkin, H., Weng, W. (2014) Anxiety, hyperactivity and stereotypy in a zebrafish model of fragile X syndrome and autism spectrum disorder. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry. 55:40-9
Taibi, A., Mandavawala, K.P., Noel, J., Okoye, E.V., Milano, C.R., Martin, B.L., and Sirotkin, H.I. (2013) Zebrafish churchill regulates developmental gene expression and cell migration. Developmental Dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 242(6):614-21
Wang, A.H., Zare, H., Mousavi, K., Wang, C., Moravec, C.E., Sirotkin, H.I., Ge, K., Gutierrez-Cruz, G., and Sartorelli, V. (2013) The histone chaperone Spt6 coordinates histone H3K27 demethylation and myogenesis. The EMBO journal. 32(8):1075-86
Xie, X., Mathias, J.R., Smith, M.A., Walker, S.L., Teng, Y., Distel, M., Koster, R.W., Sirotkin, H.I., Saxena, M.T., and Mumm, J.S. (2012) Silencer-delimited transgenesis: NRSE/RE1 sequences promote neural-specific transgene expression in a NRSF/REST-dependent manner. BMC Biology. 10:93
Kok, F.O., Taibi, A., Wanner, S.J., Xie, X., Moravec, C.E., Love, C.E., Prince, V.E., Mumm, J.S., and Sirotkin, H.I. (2012) Zebrafish rest regulates developmental gene expression but not neurogenesis. Development (Cambridge, England). 139(20):3838-3848
Gates, K.P., Mentzer, L., Karlstrom, R.O., and Sirotkin, H.I. (2010) The transcriptional repressor REST/NRSF modulates hedgehog signaling. Developmental Biology. 340(2):293-305
Kok, F.O., Shepherd, I.T., and Sirotkin, H.I. (2010) Churchill and Sip1a repress fibroblast growth factor signaling during zebrafish somitogenesis. Developmental Dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 239(2):548-558
Londin, E.R., Mentzer, L., and Sirotkin, H.I. (2007) Churchill regulates cell movement and mesoderm specification by repressing Nodal signaling. BMC Developmental Biology. 7(1):120
Kok, F.O., Oster, E., Mentzer, L., Hsieh, J.C., Henry, C.A., and Sirotkin, H.I. (2007) The role of the SPT6 chromatin remodeling factor in zebrafish embryogenesis. Developmental Biology. 307(2):214-226
Londin, E.R., Mentzer, L., Gates, K.P., and Sirotkin, H.I. (2007) Expression and regulation of the zinc finger transcription factor Churchill during zebrafish development. Gene expression patterns : GEP. 7(6):645-650
Londin, E.R., Niemiec, J., and Sirotkin, H.I. (2005) Chordin, FGF signaling, and mesodermal factors cooperate in zebrafish neural induction. Developmental Biology. 279(1):1-19
Gleason, M.R., Armisen, R., Verdecia, M.A., Sirotkin, H., Brehm, P., and Mandel, G. (2004) A mutation in serca underlies motility dysfunction in accordion zebrafish. Developmental Biology. 276(2):441-451
Levkowitz, G., Zeller, J., Sirotkin, H.I., French, D., Schilbach, S., Hashimoto, H., Hibi, M., Talbot, W.S., and Rosenthal, A. (2003) Zinc finger protein too few controls the development of monoaminergic neurons. Nature Neuroscience. 6(1):28-33
Sirotkin, H.I., Gates, M.A., Kelly, P.D., Schier, A.F., and Talbot, W.S. (2000) fast1 is required for the development of dorsal axial structures in zebrafish. Current biology : CB. 10(17):1051-1054
Sirotkin, H.I., Dougan, S.T., Schier, A.F., and Talbot, W.S. (2000) bozozok and squint act in parallel to specify dorsal mesoderm and anterior neuroectoderm in zebrafish. Development (Cambridge, England). 127(12):2583-92
Gates, M.A., Kim, L., Egan, E.S., Cardozo, T., Sirotkin, H.I., Dougan, S.T., Lashkari, D., Abagyan, R., Schier, A.F., and Talbot, W.S. (1999) A genetic linkage map for zebrafish: comparative analysis and localization of genes and expressed sequences. Genome research. 9(4):334-347
Fekany, K., Yamanaka, Y., Leung, T., Sirotkin, H.I., Topczewski, J., Gates, M.A., Hibi, M., Renucci, A., Stemple, D., Radbill, A., Schier, A.F., Driever, W., Hirano, T., Talbot, W.S., and Solnica-Krezel, L. (1999) The zebrafish bozozok locus encodes Dharma, a homeodomain protein essential for induction of gastrula organizer and dorsoanterior embryonic structures. Development (Cambridge, England). 126:1427-1438
Feldman, B., Gates, M.A., Egan, E.S., Dougan, S.T., Rennebeck, G., Sirotkin, H.I., Schier, A.F., and Talbot, W.S. (1998) Zebrafish organizer development and germ-layer formation require nodal-related signals. Nature. 395:181-185