ZFIN ID: ZDB-PERS-150610-1
Heermann, Stephan
Email: stephan.heermann@anat.uni-freiburg.de
Affiliation: Heermann Lab
Address: Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Freiburg Albertstrasse 17 79104 Freiburg
Country: Germany
Phone: 0761 203 5105


Bongiovanni, C., Bueno-Levy, H., Posadas Pena, D., Del Bono, I., Miano, C., Boriati, S., Da Pra, S., Sacchi, F., Redaelli, S., Bergen, M., Romaniello, D., Pontis, F., Tassinari, R., Kellerer, L., Petraroia, I., Mazzeschi, M., Lauriola, M., Ventura, C., Heermann, S., Weidinger, G., Tzahor, E., D'Uva, G. (2024) BMP7 promotes cardiomyocyte regeneration in zebrafish and adult mice. Cell Reports. 43:114162114162
Bulk, J., Kyrychenko, V., Rensinghoff, P.M., Ghaderi Ardekani, Z., Heermann, S. (2023) Holoprosencephaly with a Special Form of Anophthalmia Result from Experimental Induction of bmp4, Oversaturating BMP Antagonists in Zebrafish. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 24(9):
Knickmeyer, M.D., Mateo, J.L., Heermann, S. (2021) BMP Signaling Interferes with Optic Chiasm Formation and Retinal Ganglion Cell Pathfinding in Zebrafish. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 22(9):
Eckert, P., Knickmeyer, M.D., Heermann, S. (2020) In Vivo Analysis of Optic Fissure Fusion in Zebrafish: Pioneer Cells, Basal Lamina, Hyaloid Vessels, and How Fissure Fusion is Affected by BMP. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 21(8):
Eckert, P., Knickmeyer, M.D., Schütz, L., Wittbrodt, J., Heermann, S. (2019) Morphogenesis and axis specification occur in parallel during optic cup and optic fissure formation, differentially modulated by BMP and Wnt. Open Biology. 9:180179
Knickmeyer, M.D., Mateo, J.L., Eckert, P., Roussa, E., Rahhal, B., Zuniga, A., Krieglstein, K., Wittbrodt, J., Heermann, S. (2018) TGFβ-facilitated optic fissure fusion and the role of bone morphogenetic protein antagonism. Open Biology. 8(3)
Heermann, S., Schütz, L., Lemke, S., Krieglstein, K., Wittbrodt, J. (2015) Eye morphogenesis driven by epithelial flow into the optic cup facilitated by modulation of bone morphogenetic protein. eLIFE. 4
Heermann, S., and Schwab, M.H. (2013) Molecular control of Schwann cell migration along peripheral axons: Keep moving!. Cell adhesion & migration. 7(1):18-22