Brand, Thomas
Biography and Research Interest
We study cardiac development and ageing. In particular we work on a family of membrane proteins, the Popeye proteins, which are involved in stress adaptation of cardiac pacemaker activity in mammals and cause cardiac arrhythmia in zebrafish. We are also interested in the development of the proepicardium, an embryonic structure that develops into the epicardium and the coronary vasculature. Moreover we also study the role of the epicardium in modulating cardiac regeneration. Aside from zebrafish, members of the lab are using the mouse and the chick embryo as experimental model systems.
1980 - 1987, Study of Biology, University of Bielefeld, Germany
1988 -1990, Ph.D., Max-Planck-Institute in Bad Nauheim, Germany (Professor Wolfgang Schaper) Nuclear proto-oncogene expression in cardiac hypertrophy
1991 -1994, Postdoc, Baylor College in Houston, U.S.A. (Professor Michael Schneider)
Function of TGFbeta-receptors in cardiac myocytes
1994 - 2004, Group Leader, Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany
2004 - 2009, Associate Professor of Molecular Developmental Biology, University of WŸrzburg, Germany
2009 - date, Chair in Developmental Dynamics, Imperial College London, UK
We study cardiac development and ageing. In particular we work on a family of membrane proteins, the Popeye proteins, which are involved in stress adaptation of cardiac pacemaker activity in mammals and cause cardiac arrhythmia in zebrafish. We are also interested in the development of the proepicardium, an embryonic structure that develops into the epicardium and the coronary vasculature. Moreover we also study the role of the epicardium in modulating cardiac regeneration. Aside from zebrafish, members of the lab are using the mouse and the chick embryo as experimental model systems.
1980 - 1987, Study of Biology, University of Bielefeld, Germany
1988 -1990, Ph.D., Max-Planck-Institute in Bad Nauheim, Germany (Professor Wolfgang Schaper) Nuclear proto-oncogene expression in cardiac hypertrophy
1991 -1994, Postdoc, Baylor College in Houston, U.S.A. (Professor Michael Schneider)
Function of TGFbeta-receptors in cardiac myocytes
1994 - 2004, Group Leader, Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany
2004 - 2009, Associate Professor of Molecular Developmental Biology, University of WŸrzburg, Germany
2009 - date, Chair in Developmental Dynamics, Imperial College London, UK
Non-Zebrafish Publications
Froese A, Breher SS, Waldeyer C, Schindler RFR, Nikolaev VO, RinnŽ S, Wischmeyer E, Schlueter J, Becher J, Simrick S, Vauti F, Kuhtz J, Meister P, Kreissl S, Torlopp A, Liebig SK, Laakmann S, MŸller TD, Neumann J, Stieber J,Ludwig A, Maier SK, Decher N, Arnold HH, Kirchhof P, Fabritz L, Brand T. (2012) Popeye domain containing proteins are essential for stress-mediated modulation of cardiac pacemaking in mice. J Clin Invest 122:1119-1130Schlueter J., Brand T. (2012) Epicardial Progenitor Cells in Cardiac Development and Regeneration. J Cardiovasc Trans Res DOI 10.1007/ s12265 -012-9377-4
Gingold-Belfer R, Bergman M, Alcalay Y, Schlesinger H, Aravot D, Berman M, Salman H, Brand T, Kessler-Icekson G. (2011) Popeye domain containing 1 is down-regulated in failing human hearts. Int J Mol Med. 27:25-31
Fiedler J, Jazbutyte V, Kirchmaier BC, Gupta SK, Lorenzen J, Hartmann D, Galuppo P, Kneitz S, Pena JT, Sohn-Lee C, Loyer X, Soutschek J, Brand T, Tuschl T, Heineke J, Martin U, Schulte-Merker S, Ertl G, Engelhardt S, Bauersachs J, Thum T. (2011) MicroRNA-24 regulates vascularity after myocardial infarction. Circulation 124:720-730.
Schlueter J., Brand T. (2011) Origin and fates of the proepicardium. Aswan Heart Centre Science and Practise Series 1:11
Torlopp A, Schlueter J, Brand T. (2010). Role of fibroblast growth factor signaling during proepicardium formation in the chick embryo. Dev Dyn. 239:2393Ð2403.
Brand T. (2010). Editorial: Exciting news: catecholamines in induction and regionalization of the heart. Cardiovasc Res 88:1-2
Mikawa T, Brand T. (2010) Epicardial lineage, origins and fates. In: Heart Development and Regeneration, Rosenthal, N., Harvey, RP (eds.) Elsevier San Diego, U.S.A.
Schlueter J, Brand T. (2009) A right-sided pathway involving FGF8/Snai1 controls asymmetric development of the proepicardium in the chick embryo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 106:7485-7490.
Froese A, Brand T. (2008). Expression pattern of Popdc2 during mouse embryogenesis and in the adult. Dev Dyn. 237:780-794.
Jahr M, Schlueter J, Brand T, MŠnner J. (2008) Development of the proepicardium in Xenopus laevis. Dev Dyn. 237:3088-96.
Schulte I, SchlŸter J, Abu-Issa R, Brand T, MŠnner J. (2007). Morphological and molecular left-right asymmetries in development of the proepicardium: a comparative analysis on mouse and chick embryos. Dev Dyn 236, 684-695
Parnes D, Jacoby V, Sharabi A, Schlesinger H, Brand T, Kessler-Icekson G. (2007). The Popdc gene family in the rat: molecular cloning, characterization and expression analysis in the heart and cultured cardiomyocytes. Biochim Biophys Acta 1769, 586-92.
Schlueter J, Brand T. (2007). Left-right axis development: examples of similar and divergent strategies to generate asymmetric morphogenesis in chick and mouse embryos. Cytogenet Genome Res 117:256-67.
Torlopp A, Breher S, SchlŸter J, Brand T. (2006) Expression analysis of Popdc1 mRNA and protein expression during early chick development. Dev Dyn 235, 691-700
SchlŸter J, Brenneis C, Brand T. (2006) BMP is an important regulator of proepicardial identity in the chick embryo. Dev Biol 295, 546-558.
Ghatpande S, Brand T, Zile M, Evans T. (2006). Bmp2 and Gata4 function additively to rescue heart tube development in the absence of retinoids. Dev Dyn 235, 2030-2039.
MŠnner J, SchlŸter J. Brand T. (2005) Experimental analyses of the function of the proepicardium using a new microsurgical procedure to induce loss-of proepicardial-function in chick embryos. Dev Dyn 233, 1454-1463.
Brand T. (2005). The Popeye domain containing genes. Cell Biochem Biophys 43:95-104.
Breher S, Mavridou E, Froese A, Brenneis C, Arnold HH, Brand, T. (2004). Popeye domain containing gene 2 (Popdc2) is a myocyte-specific differentiation marker during chick heart development. Dev Dyn 129, 695-702.
Linask K, Han MD, Schlange T, Arnold HH, Brand T. (2003). Effects of antisense misexpression of CFC on downstream Flectin protein expression during heart looping. Dev Dyn 228, 217-230.
Brand T. (2004) Regulatory networks in cardiac development. In: Cell signaling and growth factors in development, K. Unsicker, K. Krieglstein (eds.) Wiley-VCh, Weinheim
Brand T. (2003). Heart development: Molecular insights into cardiac specification and early morphogenesis Dev Biol 258: 1-19.
Fleige A, Arnold HH, Brand T. (2002). Analysis of Pop1 gene function in muscle development. Mol Cell Biol 22, 1504-1512.
Schlange T, Arnold HH, Brand T. (2002). BMP2 is a positive regulator of Nodal signaling during left-right axis formation in the chicken embryo. Development 129, 3421-3429.
Hitz MP, Pandur P, Brand T, KŸhl M. (2002) Cardiac specific expression of Xenopus Popeye-1. Mech Dev 115, 123Ð126.
AndrŽe B, Hillemann T, Arnold HH, Kessler-Icekson G, Brand T. (2002). Molecular and functional analysis of Popeye Genes.A novel family of transmembrane proteins preferentially expressed in heart and skeletal muscle. Exp Clin Cardiol 7, 99-103.
Kessler-Icekson G, Barhum Y, Schaper J, Schaper W, Kaganovsky E, Brand T. (2002). ANP expression in the hypertensive heart. Exp Clin Cardiol 7, 80-84.
Brand T, AndrŽe B, Schlange T. (2002). Molecular Characterization of Early Cardiac Development. In: Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation. Vol.
38, Brand-Saberi, B. (ed.), Springer Verlag, Heidelberg pp. 215-238.
Schlange T, Schnipkoweit I, Andree B, Ebert A, Zile MH, Arnold HH, Brand T. (2001). Chick cfc controls lefty1 expression in the embryonic midline and nodal expression in the lateral plate. Dev Biol 234, 376-389.21.
AndrŽe B, Schlange T, AndrŽe B, Arnold HH, Brand T. (2000) Expression analysis of the chicken homologue of CITED2 during early stages of embryonic development. Mech Dev 98, 157-160.
Schneider A, Brand T, Zweigerdt R, Arnold HH. (2000) Targeted disruption of the Nkx3.1 gene in mice results in morphogenetic defects of minor salivary glands. Parallels to glandular duct morphogenesis in prostate. Mech Dev 95,163-174.
AndrŽe B, Hillemann T, Kessler-Icekson G, Schmitt-John T, Jockusch H, Arnold HH, Brand T. (2000). Isolation and characterization of the novel popeye gene family expressed in skeletal muscle and heart. Dev Biol 223, 371-382.
Schlange T, AndrŽe B, Arnold HH, Brand T. (2000). Distinct requirement of BMP2 for myocardial marker gene expression in the forming heart field in chicken embryos. Mech Dev 91, 259-270.
Brand T, Butler-Browne G, FŸchtbauer EM, Renkawitz-Pohl R, Brand-Saberi B (2000). EMBO Workshop Report: ÒMolecular Genetics of Muscle Development and Neuromuscular DiseasesÓ. EMBO J19,1935-1941.
Schneider A, Mijalski T, Schlange T, Dai W, Overbeek P, Arnold HH, Brand T. (1999). The homeobox gene NKX3.2 is a target of L-R signalling and is expressed on opposite sides in chicken and mouse embryos. Curr Biol 9, 911-914.
Brand, T, Arnold HH, AndrŽe B. (1999) Entwicklungsgenetische Stšrungen in der Kardiologie: Zusammenwirken von Grundlagenforschung und Klinik. Med Gen11, 250-256.
AndrŽe B, Duprez D, Vorbusch B, Arnold HH, Brand T. (1998). BMP-2 induces ectopic expression of cardiac lineage markers and interferes with somite formation in chicken embryos. Mech Dev 70, 119-131.
Buchberger A, Schwarzer M, Brand T, Pabst O, Seidl K, Arnold HH (1998). Chicken winged-helix transcription factor cFKH-1 prefigures axial and appendicular skeletal structures during chicken embryogenesis. Dev Dyn 212, 94-101.
Pabst O, Brand T, Arnold HH. (1997). The mouse Nkx2-3 homeodomain gene is expressed in gut mesenchyme during pre- and postnatal mouse development. Dev Dyn 209, 29-35.
Brand T, AndrŽe B, Schneider A, Buchberger A, Arnold HH. (1997). Chicken NKx2-8, a novel homeobox gene expressed during early heart and foregut development. Mech Dev 64, 53-59.
Buchberger A, Pabst O, Brand T, Seidl K, Arnold HH. (1996). Chick NKx-2.3 represents a novel family member of vertebrate homologues to the Drosophila, homeobox gene tinman. Differential expression of cNKx-2.3 and cNKx-2.5 during heart and gut development. Mech Dev 56, 151-163.
Brand T., Schneider, M.D. (1996). Transforming growth factor-beta signal transduction. Circ Res 78, 173-179.
Charng MJ, Kinnunen P, Hawker J, Brand T, Schneider, MD. (1996). FKBP-12 binding is dispensible for TGFb signal transduction. J Biol Chem 271, 22941-22944.
Brand T, Schneider MD (1995). Inactive type II and type I receptors for TGFb are dominant inhibitors of TGFb-dependent transcription. J Biol Chem 270, 8274-8284.
Brand T, Schneider MD (1995). The TGF beta superfamily: ligands, receptors, transduction and function. J Mol Cell Cardiol 27, 5-18.
Schneider, M.D. Brand T. (1995). Molecular analysis of TGFbeta signal transduction. Dominant negative mutations of the type II and type I TGF beta receptor. Ann N Y Acad Sci 752, 309-316.
Zimmermann R, Andres J, Brand T, Frass O, Kluge A, Knšll R, Vogt A, Schaper W. (1995). Cardiac gene expression after brief coronary occlusion. Z Kardiol 84 (Suppl 4), 159-165.
Hein S, Scholz D, Fujitani N, Rennollet H, Brand T, Friedl A, Schaper J. (1994). Altered expression of titin and contractile proteins in failing human myocardium. J Mol Cell Cardiol 26, 1291-1306 .
Schneider MD, Kirshenbaum LK, Brand T, MacLellan WR. (1994). Control of cardiac gene transcription by fibroblast growth factor. Tex Heart Inst J 21, 2-5.
Schneider MD, Kirshenbaum LA, Brand T, MacLellan WR. (1994). Control of cardiac gene transcription by fibroblast growth factors. Mol Reprod Dev 39, 112-117.
Brand T, Schneider M. (1994). Peptide growth factors as determinants of myocardial development and hypertrophy. In: The cardiovascular response to exercise. Fletcher, G.F. (ed.), Futura, Mount Kisco, pp. 59-99.
Brand T, Sharma HS, Schaper WJ (1993). Expression of nuclear proto oncogenes in isoproterenol-induced cardiac hypertrophy. J Mol Cell Cardiol 25,1325-1337.
Brand T, MacLellan WR, Schneider MD. (1993). A dominant-negative receptor for type beta transforming growth factors created by deletion of the kinase domain. J Biol Chem 268, 11500-11503.
MacLellan WR, Brand T, Schneider MD (1993). Transforming growth factor-beta in cardiac ontogeny and adaptation. Circ Res 73, 783-791.
Martorana PA, Brand T, Gardi C, van Even P, de Santi MM, Calzoni P, Marcolongo P, Lungarella G. (1993). The pallid mouse. A model of genetic alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency. Lab Inv 68, 233-241.
Schaper J, Speiser B, Brand T. (1993). The cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix in human hearts with dilated cardiomyopathy. In Figulla et al. (eds.) Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy. Springer, Berlin, pp. 75-80.
Brand T, Sharma HS, Fleischmann KE, Duncker DJ, McFalls EO, Verdouw PD, Schaper W. (1992). Proto-oncogene expression in porcine myocardium subjected to ischemia and reperfusion. Circ Res 71, 1351-1360.
Sharma HS, WŸnsch M, Brand T, Verdouw PD, Schaper W. (1992). Molecular biology of the coronary vascular and myocardial responses to ischemia. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 20 (Suppl 1), S23-S31.
Brand T, Milting H, Zippel M, Jockusch H. (1991). Differential synthesis by cultured atrial and ventricular rat cardiac myocytes of myosin light chain isoforms. FEBS Letters 283, 289- 290.
Brand T, Schaper J, MŸnkel B, Sharma HS, Bleese N, Schaper W. (1990) In situ hybridization study on MHC expression in human heart failure. In: Muscle and Motility, Volume 2, MarŽchal, G., Carraro, U. (eds.). Intercept, Andover. pp.175-180.
Schaper J, Hein S, Brand T, Schaper W. (1989). Contractile Proteins and the cytoskeleton in isolated rat myocytes. J. Appl. Cardiol. 4:423-429.
Brand T, Jockusch H, Rippegather G, Forssmann WG. (1988). Storage and secretion of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) by cultured atrial and ventricular cells from the neonatal rat. In: Functional morphology of the endocrine heart. Forssmann, W.G., Scheuermann, D.W., Alt, J. (eds.) Springer, New York, pp. 69-74.