ZFIN ID: ZDB-PERS-100408-1
Shen, Hongyuan
Email: snrsh@nus.edu.sg
URL: https://snrsi.nus.edu.sg/research/radiobiology/zebrafish
Affiliation: Zebrafish Radiobiology Lab
Address: Singapore Nuclear Research and Safety Initiative National University of Singapore CREATE Tower, 1 Create Way, Singapore 138602
Country: Singapore
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4043-7330

Shen Hongyuan received her B.Sc. (Hons) in Life Sciences with concentration in Molecular and Cell Biology from National University of Singapore. After graduation, she joined Ding Xiang Liu’s lab in IMCB/A*STAR as a lab biologist working on genetic engineering of recombinant Coronaviruses as viral vectors harboring reporter genes for gene delivery. She received her PhD training in zebrafish development under the guidance of Vladimir Korzh in IMCB/A*STAR. During her PhD, she conducted Tol2-transposon mediated mutagenesis screen in zebrafish from which she isolated the silent K+ channel subunit mutant kcng4b and characterized its novel function in inflating the embryonic brain ventricle. As a postdoc, she generated the zebrafish ikk2 mutant and studied the function of Ikk2/NFkB signaling in early embryonic development. She joined SNRSI in 2016, and was attached to the Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN, France) where she investigated chromosome aberration complexity produced by neutron fields in case of a critical nuclear accident. In 2019, she started her own lab utilizing zebrafish as a premier animal model for radiobiology research. The overall goal of her lab is to understand the mechanisms controlling the spatiotemporal dynamics of cells in their native tissue environmental niche when an intact biological organism is exposed to ionizing radiation, and hence derive potential intervention points whereby radiation-induced damage could be dampened. 

Jędrychowska, J., Vardanyan, V., Wieczor, M., Marciniak, A., Czub, J., Amini, R., Jain, R., Shen, H., Choi, H., Kuznicki, J., Korzh, V. (2024) Mutant analysis of Kcng4b reveals how the different functional states of the voltage-gated potassium channel regulate ear development. Developmental Biology. 513:50-62
Asana Marican, H.T., Shen, H. (2024) Dynamics of Chromosome Aberrations and Cell Death in Zebrafish Embryos Exposed to 137Cs Total-Body Irradiation. Environmental science & technology. 58(5):2204-2213
Sun, L.W.H., Asana Marican, H.T., Beh, L.K., Shen, H. (2023) Imaging the radioprotective effect of amifostine in the developing brain using an apoptosis-reporting transgenic zebrafish. International Journal of Radiation Biology. 100(3):433-444
Sun, L.W.H., Marican, H.T.A., Shen, H. (2023) In Vivo Imaging of Radiation-Induced Apoptosis at Single-Cell Resolution in Transgenic Zebrafish Embryos. Radiation Research. 199(3):229-239
Marican, H.T.A., Shen, H. (2021) Metaphase-Based Cytogenetic Approach Identifies Radiation-Induced Chromosome and Chromatid Aberrations in Zebrafish Embryos. Radiation Research. 197(3):261-269
Asana Marican, H.T., Sun, L.W.H., Shen, H. (2021) A Simple Method to Establish Metaphase Chromosomes from Individual Zebrafish Embryos. Zebrafish. 18(5):338-341
Shen, H., Shin, E.M., Lee, S., Mathavan, S., Koh, H., Osato, M., Choi, H., Tergaonkar, V., Korzh, V. (2017) Ikk2 regulates cytokinesis during vertebrate development. Scientific Reports. 7:8094
Shen, H., Bocksteins, E., Kondrychyn, I., Snyders, D., Korzh, V. (2016) Functional antagonism of alpha-subunits of Kv channel in developing brain ventricular system. Development (Cambridge, England). 143(22):4249-4260
Teh, C., Sun, G., Shen, H., Korzh, V., Wohland, T. (2015) Modulating expression level of secreted Wnt3 influences cerebellum development in zebrafish transgenics. Development (Cambridge, England). 142(21):3721-33