Hammond, Chrissy
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Biography and Research Interest
I started working with zebrafish during my PhD in London in Simon Hughes group, looking at muscle development and the origins of the vertebrate. After a brief postdoc working on chick bone I found my way back to working with fish on an EMBO fellowship at the Hubrecht Institute in the Netherlands identifying mutants that affected skeletal development. I started my own group at the University of Bristol with funding from Arthritis Research UK back in December 2010 studying cartilage and bone homeostasis in development and disease and since then I've been slowly convincing anyone and everyone in Bristol who will listen that zebrafish are awesome and they should work on them.
Non-Zebrafish Publications
Two populations of endochondral osteoblasts with differential sensitivityto Hedgehog signalling. Hammond CL, Schulte-Merker S. Development. 2009
Dec;136(23):3991-4000.PMID: 19906866
Generality of vertebrate developmental patterns: evidence for a
dermomyotome in fish. Devoto SH, Stoiber W, Hammond CL, Steinbacher P,
Haslett JR, Barresi MJ, Patterson SE, Adiarte EG, Hughes SM. Evol Dev.
2006 Jan-Feb;8(1):101-10. PMID: 16409387
Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies confirms a susceptibility
locus for knee osteoarthritis on chromosome 7q22. Evangelou E, Valdes AM,
Kerkhof HJ, Styrkarsdottir U, Zhu Y, Meulenbelt I, Lories RJ, Karassa FB,
Tylzanowski P, Bos SD; arcOGEN Consortium, Akune T, Arden NK, Carr A,
Chapman K, Cupples LA, Dai J, Deloukas P, Doherty M, Doherty S, Engstrom
G, Gonzalez A, Halldorsson BV, Hammond CL, Hart DJ, Helgadottir H, Hofman
A, Ikegawa S, Ingvarsson T, Jiang Q, Jonsson H, Kaprio J, Kawaguchi H,
Kisand K, Kloppenburg M, Kujala UM, Lohmander LS, Loughlin J, Luyten FP,
Mabuchi A, McCaskie A, Nakajima M, Nilsson PM, Nishida N, Ollier WE,
Panoutsopoulou K, van de Putte T, Ralston SH, Rivadeneira F, Saarela J,
Schulte-Merker S, Shi D, Slagboom PE, Sudo A, Tamm A, Tamm A, Thorleifsson
G, Thorsteinsdottir U, Tsezou A, Wallis GA, Wilkinson JM, Yoshimura N,
Zeggini E, Zhai G, Zhang F, Jonsdottir I, Uitterlinden AG, Felson DT, van
Meurs JB, Stefansson K, Ioannidis JP, Spector TD; Translation Research in
Europe Applied Technologies for Osteoarthritis (TreatOA). Ann Rheum Dis.
2010 Nov 10. [Epub ahead of print]PMID: 21068099