

Previous Names
Although ZFIN verifies reagent sequence data, we recommend that you conduct independent sequence analysis before ordering any reagent.
Genome Resources
Target Location
Genomic Features
No data available
Gene expression in Wild Types + MO1-and1
Expressed Gene Anatomy Figures
and1 Fig. 3 from Zhang et al., 2010
Phenotype resulting from MO1-and1
No data available
Phenotype of all Fish created by or utilizing MO1-and1
Phenotype Fish Conditions Figures
median fin fold actinotrichium aplastic, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. 3 from Zhang et al., 2010
actinotrichium aplastic, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. S6 from Zhang et al., 2010
pectoral fin fold decreased size, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. S6 from Zhang et al., 2010
regenerating fin actinotrichium disorganized, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 amputation: fin Fig. 3 from Zhang et al., 2010
median fin fold actinotrichium absent, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. 3 from Zhang et al., 2010
cartilage development involved in endochondral bone morphogenesis delayed, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. S8 from Zhang et al., 2010
hindbrain deformed, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. S6 from Zhang et al., 2010
scapulocoracoid upper region aplastic, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. S8 from Zhang et al., 2010
median fin fold granular, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. 3Fig. S6 from Zhang et al., 2010
median fin fold decreased size, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. 3Fig. S6 from Zhang et al., 2010
pericardium edematous, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. S6 from Zhang et al., 2010
eye decreased size, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. S6 from Zhang et al., 2010
cartilage development delayed, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. S8 from Zhang et al., 2010
head decreased size, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. S6 from Zhang et al., 2010
actinotrichium absent, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. S6 from Zhang et al., 2010
median fin fold curled, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. 3Fig. S6 from Zhang et al., 2010
pectoral fin fold absent, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. S6 from Zhang et al., 2010
actinotrichium decreased amount, abnormal WT + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. S6 from Zhang et al., 2010
median fin fold filopodium disoriented, abnormal sqet37Et + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. 3 from Zhang et al., 2010
pectoral fin fold filopodium absent, abnormal sqet37Et + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. 3 from Zhang et al., 2010
median fin fold mesenchymal cell disorganized, abnormal sqet37Et + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. 3 from Zhang et al., 2010
pectoral fin fold mesenchymal cell absent, abnormal sqet37Et + MO1-and1 + MO1-and2 standard conditions Fig. 3 from Zhang et al., 2010