ZFIN ID: ZDB-LAB-211006-1
Speleman Lab
PI/Director: Speleman, Frank
Contact Person: Speleman, Frank
Email: franki.speleman@ugent.be
URL: https://www.spelemanlab.org/
Address: Medical Research Building (MRB), 2nd floor Corneel Heymanslaan 10, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium
Country: Belgium
Phone: +32 9 332 55 33
Line Designation: cmg

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The Speleman lab focuses on perturbed gene regulatory processes in pediatric cancer, more specifically neuroblastoma and T-ALL. To this end the lab uses in vitro model systems, patient derived xenografts and in vivo modeling with major focus on zebrafish and the introduction of an ESC derived neuroblastoma tumor model. Cancer genomes and transcriptomes are explored by polyA and total RNA, ATAC, ChIP, 4C-sequencing and currently further methods are being explored to gain deeper insights into gene regulatory processes and enhancer biology. The lab further focuses on the role and function of dependency genes in replicative stress resistance in MYC(N) driven cancers as an entry point for novel drugging approaches. Together with prof. Vandesompele, prof. Speleman was the inspirator of an intensive research program on noncoding RNAs at the Ghent University leading to several breakthrough papers in recent years. This research covers a wide area from translational (prognostic signatures, drugable targets, nanoparticles....) towards more fundamental (gene and pathway discovery) all supported by a solid bioinformatics team. In addition, the team is now succesfully integrating zebrafish modeling into ongoing neuroblastoma and leukemia research in order to accelerate novel insights into tumor initiation, cooperative genetic defects and perturbed oncogenic signaling as a prelude to identification of novel drug targets.


Fredlund, E., Andersson, S., Hilgert, E., Monferrer, E., Álvarez-Hernán, G., Karakaya, S., Loontiens, S., Bek, J.W., Gregor, T., Lecomte, E., Magnusson, E., Miltenyte, E., Cabirol, M., Kyknas, M., Engström, N., Henriksson, M.A., Hammarlund, E., Rosenblum, J.S., Noguera, R., Speleman, F., van Nes, J., Mohlin, S. (2024) MOXD1 is a lineage-specific gene and a tumor suppressor in neuroblastoma. Science advances. 10:eado1583eado1583
Nunes, C., Depestel, L., Mus, L., Keller, K.M., Delhaye, L., Louwagie, A., Rishfi, M., Whale, A., Kara, N., Andrews, S.R., Dela Cruz, F., You, D., Siddiquee, A., Cologna, C.T., De Craemer, S., Dolman, E., Bartenhagen, C., De Vloed, F., Sanders, E., Eggermont, A., Bekaert, S.L., Van Loocke, W., Bek, J.W., Dewyn, G., Loontiens, S., Van Isterdael, G., Decaesteker, B., Tilleman, L., Van Nieuwerburgh, F., Vermeirssen, V., Van Neste, C., Ghesquiere, B., Goossens, S., Eyckerman, S., De Preter, K., Fischer, M., Houseley, J., Molenaar, J., De Wilde, B., Roberts, S.S., Durinck, K., Speleman, F. (2022) RRM2 enhances MYCN-driven neuroblastoma formation and acts as a synergistic target with CHK1 inhibition. Science advances. 8:eabn1382
Loontiens, S., Dolens, A.C., Strubbe, S., Van de Walle, I., Moore, F.E., Depestel, L., Vanhauwaert, S., Matthijssens, F., Langenau, D.M., Speleman, F., Van Vlierberghe, P., Durinck, K., Taghon, T. (2020) PHF6 Expression Levels Impact Human Hematopoietic Stem Cell Differentiation. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology. 8:599472
Garcia, E.G., Veloso, A., Oliveira, M.L., Allen, J.R., Loontiens, S., Brunson, D., Do, D., Yan, C., Morris, R., Iyer, S., Garcia, S.P., Iftimia, N., Van Loocke, W., Matthijssens, F., McCarthy, K., Barata, J.T., Speleman, F., Taghon, T., Gutierrez, A., Van Vlierberghe, P., Haas, W., Blackburn, J.S., Langenau, D.M. (2020) PRL3 enhances T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia growth through suppressing T-cell signaling pathways and apoptosis. Leukemia. 35(3):679-690
Loontiens, S., Vanhauwaert, S., Depestel, L., Dewyn, G., Van Loocke, W., Moore, F.E., Garcia, E.G., Batchelor, L., Borga, C., Squiban, B., Malone-Perez, M., Volders, P.J., Olexiouk, V., Van Vlierberghe, P., Langenau, D.M., Frazer, J.K., Durinck, K., Speleman, F. (2020) A novel TLX1-driven T-ALL zebrafish model: comparative genomic analysis with other leukemia models. Leukemia. 34(12):3398-3403
Loontiens, S., Depestel, L., Vanhauwaert, S., Dewyn, G., Gistelinck, C., Verboom, K., Van Loocke, W., Matthijssens, F., Willaert, A., Vandesompele, J., Speleman, F., Durinck, K. (2019) Purification of high-quality RNA from a small number of fluorescence activated cell sorted zebrafish cells for RNA sequencing purposes. BMC Genomics. 20:228
Garcia, E.G., Iyer, S., Garcia, S.P., Loontiens, S., Sadreyev, R.I., Speleman, F., Langenau, D.M. (2018) Cell of origin dictates aggression and stem cell number in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Leukemia. 32:1860-1865
Renard, M., Vanhauwaert, S., Vanhomwegen, M., Rihani, A., Vandamme, N., Goossens, S., Berx, G., Van Vlierberghe, P., Haigh, J.J., Decaesteker, B., Van Laere, J., Lambertz, I., Speleman, F., Vandesompele, J., Willaert, A. (2018) Expressed repetitive elements are broadly applicable reference targets for normalization of reverse transcription-qPCR data in mice. Scientific Reports. 8:7642
Vanhauwaert, S., Lefever, S., Coucke, P., Speleman, F., De Paepe, A., Vandesompele, J., Willaert, A. (2016) RT-qPCR gene expression analysis in zebrafish: Preanalytical precautions and use of expressed repetitive elements for normalization. Methods in cell biology. 135:329-42