ZFIN ID: ZDB-LAB-210701-1
Baden Lab
PI/Director: Baden, Tom
Contact Person: Baden, Tom
Email: t.baden@sussex.ac.uk
URL: http://www.badenlab.org
Address: School of Life Sciences University of Sussex Brighton, BN19QG UK
Country: United Kingdom
Phone: +44 1273 873772
Line Designation: uss

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We are interested how individual and small groups of neurons arranged into microcircuits break sensory patterns into parallel, highly specific representations of the outside world. We use a combination of 2-photon imaging of genetically encoded biosensors, electrophysiology, patterned light stimulation and computational modelling to probe the visual
processing of individual and networks of neurons in the retina and brain of zebrafish and mice. We also study the distribution of visual features in the natural visual world to better understand how different visual systems have evolved to optimally process their own natural input.

Fornetto, Chiara Post-Doc Green, Naomi Post-Doc Janiak, Filip K Post-Doc
Roberts, Paul A. Post-Doc Wang, Xinwei Post-Doc Yovanovich, Carola AM Post-Doc
Bruoygard, Simen Graduate Student Herzog, Tessa Graduate Student Kafetzis, Georgios Graduate Student
Seifert, Marvin Graduate Student Watts-Moore, Eira Graduate Student Pouchkina Stantcheva, Natalia Research Staff

Hellevik, A.M., Mardoum, P., Hahn, J., Kölsch, Y., D'Orazi, F.D., Suzuki, S.C., Godinho, L., Lawrence, O., Rieke, F., Shekhar, K., Sanes, J.R., Baier, H., Baden, T., Wong, R.O., Yoshimatsu, T. (2024) Ancient origin of the rod bipolar cell pathway in the vertebrate retina. Nature ecology & evolution. 8(6):1165-1179
Yoshimatsu, T., Baden, T. (2024) New twists in the evolution of retinal direction selectivity. PLoS Biology. 22:e3002538e3002538
Wang, X., Roberts, P.A., Yoshimatsu, T., Lagnado, L., Baden, T. (2023) Amacrine cells differentially balance zebrafish color circuits in the central and peripheral retina. Cell Reports. 42:112055112055
Janiak, F.K., Bartel, P., Bale, M.R., Yoshimatsu, T., Komulainen, E., Zhou, M., Staras, K., Prieto-Godino, L.L., Euler, T., Maravall, M., Baden, T. (2022) Non-telecentric two-photon microscopy for 3D random access mesoscale imaging. Nature communications. 13:544
Yoshimatsu, T., Bartel, P., Schröder, C., Janiak, F.K., St-Pierre, F., Berens, P., Baden, T. (2021) Ancestral circuits for vertebrate color vision emerge at the first retinal synapse. Science advances. 7:eabj6815
Bartel, P., Yoshimatsu, T., Janiak, F.K., Baden, T. (2021) Spectral inference reveals principal cone-integration rules of the zebrafish inner retina. Current biology : CB. 31(23):5214-5226.e4
Schroeder, C., Oesterle, J., Berens, P., Yoshimatsu, T., Baden, T. (2021) Distinct Synaptic Transfer Functions in Same-Type Photoreceptors. eLIFE. 10:
Baden, T. (2021) Circuit mechanisms for colour vision in zebrafish. Current biology : CB. 31:R807-R820
Dehmelt, F.A., Meier, R., Hinz, J., Yoshimatsu, T., Simacek, C.A., Huang, R., Wang, K., Baden, T., Arrenberg, A.B. (2021) Spherical arena reveals optokinetic response tuning to stimulus location, size, and frequency across entire visual field of larval zebrafish. eLIFE. 10:
Facchinello, N., Laquatra, C., Locatello, L., Beffagna, G., Brañas Casas, R., Fornetto, C., Dinarello, A., Martorano, L., Vettori, A., Risato, G., Celeghin, R., Meneghetti, G., Santoro, M.M., Delahodde, A., Vanzi, F., Rasola, A., Dalla Valle, L., Rasotto, M.B., Lodi, T., Baruffini, E., Argenton, F., Tiso, N. (2021) Efficient clofilium tosylate-mediated rescue of POLG-related disease phenotypes in zebrafish. Cell Death & Disease. 12:100
Fornetto, C., Tiso, N., Pavone, F.S., Vanzi, F. (2020) Colored visual stimuli evoke spectrally tuned neuronal responses across the central nervous system of zebrafish larvae. BMC Biology. 18:172
Zimmermann, M.J.Y., Maia Chagas, A., Bartel, P., Pop, S., Prieto-Godino, L.L., Baden, T. (2020) LED Zappelin': An open source LED controller for arbitrary spectrum visual stimulation and optogenetics during 2-photon imaging. HardwareX. 8:e00127
Zhou, M., Bear, J., Roberts, P.A., Janiak, F.K., Semmelhack, J., Yoshimatsu, T., Baden, T. (2020) Zebrafish Retinal Ganglion Cells Asymmetrically Encode Spectral and Temporal Information across Visual Space. Current biology : CB. 30(15):2927-2942.e7
Yoshimatsu, T., Schröder, C., Nevala, N.E., Berens, P., Baden, T. (2020) Fovea-like Photoreceptor Specializations Underlie Single UV Cone Driven Prey-Capture Behavior in Zebrafish. Neuron. 107(2):320-337.e6
Gavryusev, V., Sancataldo, G., Ricci, P., Montalbano, A., Fornetto, C., Turrini, L., Laurino, A., Pesce, L., de Vito, G., Tiso, N., Vanzi, F., Silvestri, L., Pavone, F.S. (2019) Dual-beam confocal light-sheet microscopy via flexible acousto-optic deflector. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 24:1-6
Sancataldo, G., Gavryusev, V., de Vito, G., Turrini, L., Locatelli, M., Fornetto, C., Tiso, N., Vanzi, F., Silvestri, L., Pavone, F.S. (2019) Flexible Multi-Beam Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscope for Live Imaging Without Striping Artifacts. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 13:7
Giuliodori, A., Beffagna, G., Marchetto, G., Fornetto, C., Vanzi, F., Toppo, S., Facchinello, N., Santimaria, M., Vettori, A., Rizzo, S., Della Barbera, M., Pilichou, K., Argenton, F., Thiene, G., Tiso, N., Basso, C. (2018) Loss of cardiac Wnt/β-catenin signalling in Desmoplakin-deficient AC8 zebrafish models is rescuable by genetic and pharmacological intervention. Cardiovascular research. 114(8):1082-1097