ZFIN ID: ZDB-LAB-130408-1
Müller Lab
PI/Director: Müller, Patrick
Contact Person: Müller, Patrick
Email: pmueller@tuebingen.mpg.de
URL: http://www.eb.tuebingen.mpg.de/research/research-groups/patrick-mueller.html
Address: Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology Spemannstraße 35 72076 Tübingen Germany
Country: Germany
Phone: +49 7071 601-364
Fax: +49 7071 601-384
Line Designation: t

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How do extracellular signaling molecules pattern developing embryos and tissues? We use zebrafish as a model system and combine genetic, biophysical, and theoretical approaches to address this question. Our research focuses on three areas:

i) Biophysics of signal dispersal
Multiple signaling pathways need to be precisely coordinated in space and time to pattern the body plan. How are the appropriate distributions of signaling molecules achieved such that cells receive the right amount of signal at the right time? What factors regulate the diffusion and stability of signals?

ii) Self-organization of patterning
Systems of signals that diffuse and react with each other (reaction-diffusion systems) have been postulated to underlie complex self-organizing patterns. How might such systems function in living embryos? How do signaling systems concertedly coordinate proper patterning?

iii) Scale-invariant patterning
Individuals of the same species can vary considerably in size, but the proportions of their body plans are often constant. How is the spatial range of signaling molecules regulated during development to establish the correct tissue proportions in differently sized embryos?


Pomreinke, A.P., Müller, P. (2024) Zebrafish nampt-a mutants are viable despite perturbed primitive hematopoiesis. Hereditas. 161:1414
Knabl, P., Schauer, A., Pomreinke, A.P., Zimmermann, B., Rogers, K.W., Čapek, D., Müller, P., Genikhovich, G. (2024) Analysis of SMAD1/5 target genes in a sea anemone reveals ZSWIM4-6 as a novel BMP signaling modulator. eLIFE. 13:
Čapek, D., Safroshkin, M., Morales-Navarrete, H., Toulany, N., Arutyunov, G., Kurzbach, A., Bihler, J., Hagauer, J., Kick, S., Jones, F., Jordan, B., Müller, P. (2023) EmbryoNet: using deep learning to link embryonic phenotypes to signaling pathways. Nature Methods. 20(6):815-823
Kuhn, T., Landge, A.N., Mörsdorf, D., Coßmann, J., Gerstenecker, J., Čapek, D., Müller, P., Gebhardt, J.C.M. (2022) Single-molecule tracking of Nodal and Lefty in live zebrafish embryos supports hindered diffusion model. Nature communications. 13:6101
Preiß, H., Kögler, A.C., Mörsdorf, D., Čapek, D., Soh, G.H., Rogers, K.W., Morales-Navarrete, H., Almuedo-Castillo, M., Müller, P. (2022) Regulation of Nodal signaling propagation by receptor interactions and positive feedback. eLIFE. 11:
Soh, G.H., Kögler, A.C., Müller, P. (2021) A Simple and Effective Transplantation Device for Zebrafish Embryos. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE. (174):
Rogers, K.W., ElGamacy, M., Jordan, B.M., Müller, P. (2020) Optogenetic investigation of BMP target gene expression diversity. eLIFE. 9:
Soh, G.H., Pomreinke, A.P., Müller, P. (2020) Integration of Nodal and BMP Signaling by Mutual Signaling Effector Antagonism. Cell Reports. 31:107487
Prummel, K.D., Hess, C., Nieuwenhuize, S., Parker, H.J., Rogers, K.W., Kozmikova, I., Racioppi, C., Brombacher, E.C., Czarkwiani, A., Knapp, D., Burger, S., Chiavacci, E., Shah, G., Burger, A., Huisken, J., Yun, M.H., Christiaen, L., Kozmik, Z., Müller, P., Bronner, M., Krumlauf, R., Mosimann, C. (2019) A conserved regulatory program initiates lateral plate mesoderm emergence across chordates. Nature communications. 10:3857
Morishima, T., Krahl, A.C., Nasri, M., Xu, Y., Aghaallaei, N., Findik, B., Klimiankou, M., Ritter, M., Hartmann, M.D., Gloeckner, C.J., Stefańczyk, S., Lindner, C., Oswald, B., Bernhard, R., Hähnel, K., Hermanutz-Klein, U., Ebinger, M., Handgretinger, R., Casadei, N., Welte, K., Andre, M., Müller, P., Bajoghli, B., Skokowa, J. (2019) LMO2 activation by deacetylation is indispensable for hematopoiesis and T-ALL leukemogenesis. Blood. 134(14):1159-1175
Mörsdorf, D., Müller, P. (2019) Tuning Protein Diffusivity with Membrane Tethers. Biochemistry. 58:177-181
Piragyte, I., Clapes, T., Polyzou, A., Klein Geltink, R.I., Lefkopoulos, S., Yin, N., Cauchy, P., Curtis, J.D., Klaeylé, L., Langa, X., Beckmann, C.C.A., Wlodarski, M.W., Müller, P., Van Essen, D., Rambold, A., Kapp, F.G., Mione, M., Buescher, J.M., Pearce, E.L., Polyzos, A., Trompouki, E. (2018) A metabolic interplay coordinated by HLX regulates myeloid differentiation and AML through partly overlapping pathways. Nature communications. 9:3090
Almuedo-Castillo, M., Bläßle, A., Mörsdorf, D., Marcon, L., Soh, G.H., Rogers, K.W., Schier, A.F., Müller, P. (2018) Scale-invariant patterning by size-dependent inhibition of Nodal signalling. Nature cell biology. 20(9):1032-1042
Rogers, K.W., Müller, P. (2018) Nodal and BMP dispersal during early zebrafish development. Developmental Biology. 447(1):14-23
Soh, G.H., Müller, P. (2018) FRAP Analysis of Extracellular Diffusion in Zebrafish Embryos. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1863:107-124
Pomreinke, A.P., Soh, G.H., Rogers, K.W., Bergmann, J.K., Bläßle, A.J., Müller, P. (2017) Dynamics of BMP signaling and distribution during zebrafish dorsal-ventral patterning. eLIFE. 6
Sako, K., Pradhan, S.J., Barone, V., Inglés-Prieto, Á., Müller, P., Ruprecht, V., Čapek, D., Galande, S., Janovjak, H., Heisenberg, C.P. (2016) Optogenetic Control of Nodal Signaling Reveals a Temporal Pattern of Nodal Signaling Regulating Cell Fate Specification during Gastrulation. Cell Reports. 16(3):866-77
Marcon, L., Diego, X., Sharpe, J., Müller, P. (2016) High-throughput mathematical analysis identifies Turing networks for patterning with equally diffusing signals. eLIFE. 5
Rogers, K.W., Bläßle, A., Schier, A.F., Müller, P. (2015) Measuring Protein Stability in Living Zebrafish Embryos Using Fluorescence Decay After Photoconversion (FDAP). Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE. (95):52266