ZFIN ID: ZDB-LAB-061115-1
Weidinger Lab
PI/Director: Weidinger, Gilbert
Contact Person: Weidinger, Gilbert
Email: gilbert.weidinger@uni-ulm.de
URL: http://www.uni-ulm.de/weidinger
Address: Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Ulm University Albert-Einstein-Allee 11 89081 Ulm Germany
Country: Germany
Phone: 0049 731 500 23290
Fax: 0049 731 500 23277
Line Designation: ulm

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We are interested in the cellular and molecular mechanisms of naturally occurring organ regeneration. That's the ability of adult organisms to regrow complex structures and organs after injury. Zebrafish can regenerate heart, lens, pancreas, liver, fins, central and peripheral nervous system and probably more. We have been focusing on fin and heart regeneration.
We are trying to elucidate where the cells come from that re-build the regenerating structure, in particular what role cellular dedifferentiation plays. Furthermore, we aim to uncover the molecular mechanisms that regulate re-activation of an adult tissue and those that coordinate regenerative growth. One focus has been Wnt signaling, whose molecular regulation we also study in the embryo.

Dalvoy, Mohankrishna Post-Doc Sehring, Ivonne Post-Doc Falah Mohammadi, Hossein Graduate Student
Gülensoy, Dila Graduate Student Posadas Pena, Silvia Graduate Student Guterman, Inna Technical Staff
Köhler, Janet Technical Staff Weber, Doris Technical Staff

Bongiovanni, C., Bueno-Levy, H., Posadas Pena, D., Del Bono, I., Miano, C., Boriati, S., Da Pra, S., Sacchi, F., Redaelli, S., Bergen, M., Romaniello, D., Pontis, F., Tassinari, R., Kellerer, L., Petraroia, I., Mazzeschi, M., Lauriola, M., Ventura, C., Heermann, S., Weidinger, G., Tzahor, E., D'Uva, G. (2024) BMP7 promotes cardiomyocyte regeneration in zebrafish and adult mice. Cell Reports. 43:114162114162
Sehring, I.M., Mohammadi, H.F., Haffner-Luntzer, M., Ignatius, A., Huber-Lang, M., Weidinger, G. (2022) Zebrafish fin regeneration involves generic and regeneration-specific osteoblast injury responses. eLIFE. 11:
Barthold, L., Heber, S., Schmidt, C.Q., Gradl, M., Weidinger, G., Barth, H., Fischer, S. (2022) Human α-Defensin-6 Neutralizes Clostridioides difficile Toxins TcdA and TcdB by Direct Binding. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23(9):
Bertozzi, A., Wu, C.C., Hans, S., Brand, M., Weidinger, G. (2021) Wnt/β-catenin signaling acts cell-autonomously to promote cardiomyocyte regeneration in the zebrafish heart. Developmental Biology. 481:226-237
Bühler, A., Gahr, B.M., Park, D.D., Bertozzi, A., Boos, A., Dalvoy, M., Pott, A., Oswald, F., Kovall, R.A., Kühn, B., Weidinger, G., Rottbauer, W., Just, S. (2021) Histone deacetylase 1 controls cardiomyocyte proliferation during embryonic heart development and cardiac regeneration in zebrafish. PLoS Genetics. 17:e1009890
Harms, M., Habib, M.M.W., Nemska, S., Nicolò, A., Gilg, A., Preising, N., Sokkar, P., Carmignani, S., Raasholm, M., Weidinger, G., Kizilsavas, G., Wagner, M., Ständker, L., Abadi, A.H., Jumaa, H., Kirchhoff, F., Frossard, N., Sanchez-Garcia, E., Münch, J. (2021) An optimized derivative of an endogenous CXCR4 antagonist prevents atopic dermatitis and airway inflammation. Acta pharmaceutica Sinica. B. 11:2694-2708
Noschka, R., Wondany, F., Kizilsavas, G., Weil, T., Weidinger, G., Walther, P., Michaelis, J., Stenger, S. (2021) Gran1: A Granulysin-Derived Peptide with Potent Activity against Intracellular Mycobacterium tuberculosis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 22(16):
Noschka, R., Gerbl, F., Löffler, F., Kubis, J., Rodríguez, A.A., Mayer, D., Grieshober, M., Holch, A., Raasholm, M., Forssmann, W.G., Spellerberg, B., Wiese, S., Weidinger, G., Ständker, L., Stenger, S. (2021) Unbiased Identification of Angiogenin as an Endogenous Antimicrobial Protein With Activity Against Virulent Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Frontiers in microbiology. 11:618278
Bertozzi, A., Wu, C.C., Nguyen, P.D., Vasudevarao, M.D., Mulaw, M.A., Koopman, C.D., de Boer, T.P., Bakkers, J., Weidinger, G. (2020) Is zebrafish heart regeneration "complete"? Lineage-restricted cardiomyocytes proliferate to pre-injury numbers but some fail to differentiate in fibrotic hearts. Developmental Biology. 471:106-118
Honkoop, H., de Bakker, D.E., Aharonov, A., Kruse, F., Shakked, A., Nguyen, P.D., de Heus, C., Garric, L., Muraro, M.J., Shoffner, A., Tessadori, F., Peterson, J.C., Noort, W., Bertozzi, A., Weidinger, G., Posthuma, G., Grun, D., van der Laarse, W.J., Klumperman, J., Jaspers, R.T., Poss, K.D., van Oudenaarden, A., Tzahor, E., Bakkers, J. (2019) Single-cell analysis uncovers that metabolic reprogramming by ErbB2 signaling is essential for cardiomyocyte proliferation in the regenerating heart. eLIFE. 8:
Mishra, R., Sehring, I., Cederlund, M., Mulaw, M., Weidinger, G. (2019) NF-κB Signaling Negatively Regulates Osteoblast Dedifferentiation during Zebrafish Bone Regeneration. Developmental Cell. 52(2):167-182.e7
Sehring, I.M., Weidinger, G. (2019) Recent advancements in understanding fin regeneration in zebrafish. Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. Developmental biology. 9(1):e367
Reisser, M., Palmer, A., Popp, A.P., Jahn, C., Weidinger, G., Gebhardt, J.C.M. (2018) Single-molecule imaging correlates decreasing nuclear volume with increasing TF-chromatin associations during zebrafish development. Nature communications. 9:5218
Owlarn, S., Klenner, F., Schmidt, D., Rabert, F., Tomasso, A., Reuter, H., Mulaw, M.A., Moritz, S., Gentile, L., Weidinger, G., Bartscherer, K. (2017) Generic wound signals initiate regeneration in missing-tissue contexts. Nature communications. 8:2282
Jahn, C., Weidinger, G. (2017) Regulatory T Cells Know What Is Needed to Regenerate. Developmental Cell. 43:651-652
Magadum, A., Ding, Y., He, L., Kim, T., Vasudevarao, M.D., Long, Q., Yang, K., Wickramasinghe, N., Renikunta, H.V., Dubois, N., Weidinger, G., Yang, Q., Engel, F.B. (2017) Live cell screening platform identifies PPARδ as a regulator of cardiomyocyte proliferation and cardiac repair. Cell Research. 27(8):1002-1019
Sezgin, E., Azbazdar, Y., Ng, X.W., Teh, C., Simons, K., Weidinger, G., Wohland, T., Eggeling, C., Ozhan, G. (2017) Binding of canonical Wnt ligands to their receptor complexes occurs in ordered plasma membrane environments. The FEBS journal. 284:2513-2526
Wehner, D., Tsarouchas, T.M., Michael, A., Haase, C., Weidinger, G., Reimer, M.M., Becker, T., Becker, C.G. (2017) Wnt signaling controls pro-regenerative Collagen XII in functional spinal cord regeneration in zebrafish. Nature communications. 8:126
Sehring, I.M., Jahn, C., Weidinger, G. (2016) Zebrafish fin and heart: what's special about regeneration?. Current opinion in genetics & development. 40:48-56
Masselink, W., Cole, N.J., Fenyes, F., Berger, S., Sonntag, C., Wood, A., Nguyen, P.D., Cohen, N., Knopf, F., Weidinger, G., Hall, T.E., Currie, P.D. (2016) A somitic contribution to the apical ectodermal ridge is essential for fin formation. Nature. 535(7613):542-6
Wu, C.C., Kruse, F., Vasudevarao, M.D., Junker, J.P., Zebrowski, D.C., Fischer, K., Noël, E.S., Grün, D., Berezikov, E., Engel, F.B., van Oudenaarden, A., Weidinger, G., Bakkers, J. (2016) Spatially Resolved Genome-wide Transcriptional Profiling Identifies BMP Signaling as Essential Regulator of Zebrafish Cardiomyocyte Regeneration. Developmental Cell. 36(1):36-49
Zebrowski, D.C., Vergarajauregui, S., Wu, C.C., Piatkowski, T., Becker, R., Leone, M., Hirth, S., Ricciardi, F., Falk, N., Giessl, A., Just, S., Braun, T., Weidinger, G., Engel, F.B. (2015) Developmental alterations in centrosome integrity contribute to the post-mitotic state of mammalian cardiomyocytes. eLIFE. 4
Özhan, G., Weidinger, G. (2015) Wnt/β-catenin signaling in heart regeneration. Cell regeneration (London, England). 4:3
Wehner, D., Jahn, C., Weidinger, G. (2015) Use of the TetON System to Study Molecular Mechanisms of Zebrafish Regeneration. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE. (100):e52756
Wehner, D., Weidinger, G. (2015) Signaling networks organizing regenerative growth of the zebrafish fin. Trends in genetics : TIG. 31(6):336-343
Stangenberg, R., Wu, Y., Hedrich, J., Kurzbach, D., Wehner, D., Weidinger, G., Kuan, S.L., Jansen, M.I., Jelezko, F., Luhmann, H.J., Hinderberger, D., Weil, T., Müllen, K. (2015) A Polyphenylene Dendrimer Drug Transporter with Precisely Positioned Amphiphilic Surface Patches. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 4(3):377-84
Walker, M.P., Stopford, C.M., Cederlund, M., Fang, F., Jahn, C., Rabinowitz, A.D., Goldfarb, D., Graham, D.M., Yan, F., Deal, A.M., Fedoriw, Y., Richards, K.L., Davis, I.J., Weidinger, G., Damania, B., Major, M.B. (2015) FOXP1 potentiates Wnt/β-catenin signaling in diffuse large B cell lymphoma. Science signaling. 8(362):ra12
Reuter, H., März, M., Vogg, M.C., Eccles, D., Grífol-Boldú, L., Wehner, D., Owlarn, S., Adell, T., Weidinger, G., Bartscherer, K. (2015) β-Catenin-Dependent Control of Positional Information along the AP Body Axis in Planarians Involves a Teashirt Family Member. Cell Reports. 10(2):253-65
Kizil, C., Küchler, B., Yan, J.J., Özhan, G., Moro, E., Argenton, F., Brand, M., Weidinger, G., Antos, C.L. (2014) Simplet/Fam53b is required for Wnt signal transduction by regulating β-catenin nuclear localization. Development (Cambridge, England). 141:3529-39
Geurtzen, K., Knopf, F., Wehner, D., Huitema, L.F., Schulte-Merker, S., Weidinger, G. (2014) Mature osteoblasts dedifferentiate in response to traumatic bone injury in the zebrafish fin and skull. Development (Cambridge, England). 141(11):2225-34
Wehner, D., Cizelsky, W., Vasudevaro, M.D., Özhan, G., Haase, C., Kagermeier-Schenk, B., Röder, A., Dorsky, R.I., Moro, E., Argenton, F., Kühl, M., and Weidinger, G. (2014) Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling Defines Organizing Centers that Orchestrate Growth and Differentiation of the Regenerating Zebrafish Caudal Fin. Cell Reports. 6(3):467-481
Luz, M., Spannl-Müller, S., Özhan, G., Kagermeier-Schenk, B., Rhinn, M., Weidinger, G., and Brand, M. (2014) Dynamic Association with Donor Cell Filopodia and Lipid-Modification Are Essential Features of Wnt8a during Patterning of the Zebrafish Neuroectoderm. PLoS One. 9(1):e84922
Özhan, G., Sezgin, E., Wehner, D., Pfister, A.S., Kühl, S.J., Kagermeier-Schenk, B., Kühl, M., Schwille, P., and Weidinger, G. (2013) Lypd6 Enhances Wnt/beta-Catenin Signaling by Promoting Lrp6 Phosphorylation in Raft Plasma Membrane Domains. Developmental Cell. 26(4):331-345
Grotek, B., Wehner, D., and Weidinger, G. (2013) Notch signaling coordinates cellular proliferation with differentiation during zebrafish fin regeneration. Development (Cambridge, England). 140(7):1412-1423
Thieme, S., Gyárfás, T., Richter, C., Özhan, G., Fu, J., Alexopulou, D., Muders, M.H., Michalk, I., Jakob, C., Dahl, A., Klink, B., Bandola, J., Bachmann, M., Schröck, E., Buchholz, F., Stewart, A.F., Weidinger, G., Anastassiadis, K., and Brenner, S. (2013) The histone demethylase UTX regulates stem cell migration and hematopoiesis. Blood. 121(13):2462-2473
Moro, E., Özhan, G., Mongera, A., Beis, D., Wierzbicki, C., Young, R.M., Bournele, D., Domenichini, A., Valdivia, L.E., Lum, L., Chen, C., Amatruda, J.F., Tiso, N., Weidinger, G., and Argenton, F. (2012) In vivo Wnt signaling tracing through a transgenic biosensor fish reveals novel activity domains. Developmental Biology. 366(2):327-340
Shin, D., Weidinger, G., Moon, R.T., and Stainier, D.Y. (2012) Intrinsic and extrinsic modifiers of the regulative capacity of the developing liver. Mechanisms of Development. 128(11-12):525-535
Kagermeier-Schenk, B., Wehner, D., Ozhan-Kizil, G., Yamamoto, H., Li, J., Kirchner, K., Hoffmann, C., Stern, P., Kikuchi, A., Schambony, A., and Weidinger, G. (2011) Waif1/5T4 Inhibits Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling and Activates Noncanonical Wnt Pathways by Modifying LRP6 Subcellular Localization. Developmental Cell. 21(6):1129-43
Verhoeven, M.C., Haase, C., Christoffels, V.M., Weidinger, G., and Bakkers, J. (2011) Wnt signaling regulates atrioventricular canal formation upstream of BMP and Tbx2. Birth defects research. Part A, Clinical and molecular teratology. 91(6):435-40
Knopf, F., Hammond, C., Chekuru, A., Kurth, T., Hans, S., Weber, C.W., Mahatma, G., Fisher, S., Brand, M., Schulte-Merker, S., and Weidinger, G. (2011) Bone Regenerates via Dedifferentiation of Osteoblasts in the Zebrafish Fin. Developmental Cell. 20(5):713-724
Schnabel, K., Wu, C.C., Kurth, T., and Weidinger, G. (2011) Regeneration of cryoinjury induced necrotic heart lesions in zebrafish is associated with epicardial activation and cardiomyocyte proliferation. PLoS One. 6(4):e18503
Azevedo, A.S., Grotek, B., Jacinto, A., Weidinger, G., and Saúde, L. (2011) The regenerative capacity of the zebrafish caudal fin is not affected by repeated amputations. PLoS One. 6(7):e22820
Knopf, F., Schnabel, K., Haase, C., Pfeifer, K., Anastassiadis, K., and Weidinger, G. (2010) Dually inducible TetON systems for tissue-specific conditional gene expression in zebrafish. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107(46):19933-19938
Nemtsas, P., Wettwer, E., Christ, T., Weidinger, G., and Ravens, U. (2010) Adult zebrafish heart as a model for human heart? An electrophysiological study. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. 48(1):161-171
Lee, Y., Hami, D., De Val, S., Kagermeier-Schenk, B., Wills, A.A., Black, B.L., Weidinger, G., and Poss, K.D. (2009) Maintenance of blastemal proliferation by functionally diverse epidermis in regenerating zebrafish fins. Developmental Biology. 331(2):270-280
Goessling, W., North, T.E., Loewer, S., Lord, A.M., Lee, S., Stoick-Cooper, C.L., Weidinger, G., Puder, M., Daley, G.Q., Moon, R.T., and Zon, L.I. (2009) Genetic interaction of PGE2 and Wnt signaling regulates developmental specification of stem cells and regeneration. Cell. 136(6):1136-1147
Lyons, J.P., Miller, R.K., Zhou, X., Weidinger, G., Deroo, T., Denayer, T., Park, J.I., Ji, H., Hong, J.Y., Li, A., Moon, R.T., Jones, E.A., Vleminckx, K., Vize, P.D., and McCrea, P.D. (2009) Requirement of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in pronephric kidney development. Mechanisms of Development. 126(3-4):142-159
Slanchev, K., Stebler, J., Goudarzi, M., Cojocaru, V., Weidinger, G., and Raz, E. (2009) Control of Dead end localization and activity – Implications for the function of the protein in antagonizing miRNA function. Mechanisms of Development. 126(3-4):270-277
Goessling, W., North, T.E., Lord, A.M., Ceol, C., Lee, S., Weidinger, G., Bourque, C., Strijbosch, R., Haramis, A.P., Puder, M., Clevers, H., Moon, R.T., and Zon, L.I. (2008) APC mutant zebrafish uncover a changing temporal requirement for wnt signaling in liver development. Developmental Biology. 320(1):161-174
McFarland, K.A., Topczewska, J.M., Weidinger, G., Dorsky, R.I., and Appel, B. (2008) Hh and Wnt signaling regulate formation of olig2(+) neurons in the zebrafish cerebellum. Developmental Biology. 318(1):162-171
Bonner, J., Gribble, S.L., Veien, E.S., Nikolaus, O.B., Weidinger, G., and Dorsky, R.I. (2008) Proliferation and patterning are mediated independently in the dorsal spinal cord downstream of canonical Wnt signaling. Developmental Biology. 313(1):398-407
Nakamura, Y., Weidinger, G., Liang, J.O., Aquilina-Beck, A., Tamai, K., Moon, R.T., and Warman, M.L. (2007) The CCN family member Wisp3, mutant in progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia, modulates BMP and Wnt signaling. J. Clin. Invest.. 117(10):3075-3086
Stoick-Cooper, C.L., Moon, R.T., and Weidinger, G. (2007) Advances in signaling in vertebrate regeneration as a prelude to regenerative medicine. Genes & Development. 21(11):1292-1315
Ueno, S., Weidinger, G., Osugi, T., Kohn, A.D., Golob, J.L., Pabon, L., Reinecke, H., Moon, R.T., and Murry, C.E. (2007) Biphasic role for Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in cardiac specification in zebrafish and embryonic stem cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 104(23):9685-9690
Stoick-Cooper, C.L., Weidinger, G., Riehle, K.J., Hubbert, C., Major, M.B., Fausto N., and Moon, R.T. (2007) Distinct Wnt signaling pathways have opposing roles in appendage regeneration. Development (Cambridge, England). 134(3):479-489
Thorpe, C.J., Weidinger, G., and Moon, R.T. (2005) Wnt/β-catenin regulation of the Sp1-related transcription factor sp5l promotes tail development in zebrafish. Development (Cambridge, England). 132(8):1763-1772
Weidinger, G., Thorpe, C.J., Wuennenberg-Stapleton, K., Ngai, J., and Moon, R.T. (2005) The Sp1-Related Transcription Factors sp5 and sp5-like Act Downstream of Wnt/beta-Catenin Signaling in Mesoderm and Neuroectoderm Patterning. Current biology : CB. 15(6):489-500
Weidinger, G. and Moon, R.T. (2003) When Wnts antagonize Wnts. The Journal of cell biology. 162(5):753-756
Weidinger, G., Stebler, J., Slanchev, K., Dumstrei, K., Wise, C., Lovell-Badge, R., Thisse, C., Thisse, B., and Raz, E. (2003) dead end, a novel vertebrate germ plasm component, is required for zebrafish primordial germ cell migration and survival. Current biology : CB. 13(16):1429-1434
Ciruna, B., Weidinger, G., Knaut, H., Thisse, B., Thisse, C., Raz, E., and Schier, A.F. (2002) Production of maternal-zygotic mutant zebrafish by germ-line replacement. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 99(23):14919-14924
Wolke, U., Weidinger, G., Köprunner, M., and Raz, E. (2002) Multiple levels of post-transcriptional control lead to germ line specific gene expression in the zebrafish. Current biology : CB. 12(4):289-294
Weidinger, G., Wolke, U., Köprunner, M., Thisse, C., Thisse, B. and Raz, E. (2002) Regulation of zebrafish primordial germ cell migration by attraction towards an intermediate target. Development (Cambridge, England). 129:25-36
Weidinger, G., Koprunner, M., Wolke, U., Thisse, C., Thisse, B., and Raz, E. (2001) Attraction, active migration, and clustering of zebrafish primordial germ cells. Developmental Biology. 235(1):175 (#18)
Weidinger, G., Wolke, U., Köprunner, M., Klinger, M., and Raz, E. (1999) Identification of tissues and patterning events required for distinct steps in early migration of zebrafish primordial germ cells. Development (Cambridge, England). 126(23):5295-5307