ZFIN ID: ZDB-LAB-021220-1
Wong Lab
PI/Director: Wong, Rachel
Contact Person: Wong, Rachel
Email: wongr2@u.washington.edu
URL: http://wonglab.biostr.washington.edu/
Address: Department of Biological Structure University of Washington HSB G514, Box 357420 Seattle, WA 98195-7420 USA
Country: United States
Phone: (206) 616 2883
Fax: (206) 543-1524
Line Designation: q

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Hellevik, A.M., Mardoum, P., Hahn, J., Kölsch, Y., D'Orazi, F.D., Suzuki, S.C., Godinho, L., Lawrence, O., Rieke, F., Shekhar, K., Sanes, J.R., Baier, H., Baden, T., Wong, R.O., Yoshimatsu, T. (2024) Ancient origin of the rod bipolar cell pathway in the vertebrate retina. Nature ecology & evolution. 8(6):1165-1179
Nunley, H., Nagashima, M., Martin, K., Lorenzo Gonzalez, A., Suzuki, S.C., Norton, D.A., Wong, R.O.L., Raymond, P.A., Lubensky, D.K. (2020) Defect patterns on the curved surface of fish retinae suggest a mechanism of cone mosaic formation. PLoS Computational Biology. 16:e1008437
D'Orazi, F.D., Suzuki, S.C., Darling, N., Wong, R.O., Yoshimatsu, T. (2020) Conditional and biased regeneration of cone photoreceptor types in the zebrafish retina. The Journal of comparative neurology. 528(17):2816-2830
Yu, W.Q., El-Danaf, R.N., Okawa, H., Pacholec, J.M., Matti, U., Schwarz, K., Odermatt, B., Dunn, F.A., Lagnado, L., Schmitz, F., Huberman, A.D., Wong, R.O.L. (2018) Synaptic Convergence Patterns onto Retinal Ganglion Cells Are Preserved despite Topographic Variation in Pre- and Postsynaptic Territories. Cell Reports. 25:2017-2026.e3
Jorstad, N.L., Wilken, M.S., Grimes, W.N., Wohl, S.G., VandenBosch, L.S., Yoshimatsu, T., Wong, R.O., Rieke, F., Reh, T.A. (2017) Stimulation of functional neuronal regeneration from Müller glia in adult mice. Nature. 548(7665):103-107
D'Orazi, F.D., Zhao, X.F., Wong, R.O., Yoshimatsu, T. (2016) Mismatch of Synaptic Patterns between Neurons Produced in Regeneration and during Development of the Vertebrate Retina. Current biology : CB. 26(17):2268-79
Yoshimatsu, T., D'Orazi, F.D., Gamlin, C.R., Suzuki, S.C., Suli, A., Kimelman, D., Raible, D.W., Wong, R.O. (2016) Presynaptic partner selection during retinal circuit reassembly varies with timing of neuronal regeneration in vivo. Nature communications. 7:10590
Hoon, M., Okawa, H., Della Santina, L., Wong, R.O. (2014) Functional Architecture of the Retina: Development and Disease. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research. 42C:44-84
Yoshimatsu, T., Williams, P.R., D'Orazi, F.D., Suzuki, S.C., Fadool, J.M., Allison, W.T., Raymond, P.A., Wong, R.O. (2014) Transmission from the dominant input shapes the stereotypic ratio of photoreceptor inputs onto horizontal cells. Nature communications. 5:3699
Suzuki, S.C., Bleckert, A., Williams, P.R., Takechi, M., Kawamura, S., and Wong, R.O. (2013) Cone photoreceptor types in zebrafish are generated by symmetric terminal divisions of dedicated precursors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110(37):15109-14
Randlett, O., MacDonald, R.B., Yoshimatsu, T., Almeida, A.D., Suzuki, S.C., Wong, R.O., Harris, W.A. (2013) Cellular requirements for building a retinal neuropil. Cell Reports. 3:282-90
Williams, P.R., Morgan, J.L., Kerschensteiner, D., and Wong, R.O. (2013) In vivo imaging of zebrafish retina. Cold Spring Harbor protocols. 2013(1):4671-80
Choi, J.H., Law, M.Y., Chien, C.B., Link, B.A., and Wong, R.O. (2010) In vivo development of dendritic orientation in wild-type and mislocalized retinal ganglion cells. Neural Development. 5:29
Williams, P.R., Suzuki, S.C., Yoshimatsu, T., Lawrence, O.T., Waldron, S.J., Parsons, M.J., Nonet, M.L., and Wong, R.O. (2010) In vivo development of outer retinal synapses in the absence of glial contact. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 30(36):11951-11961
Mumm, J.S., Williams, P.R., Godinho, L., Koerber, A., Pittman, A.J., Roeser, T., Chien, C.B., Baier, H., and Wong, R.O. (2006) In vivo imaging reveals dendritic targeting of laminated afferents by zebrafish retinal ganglion cells. Neuron. 52(4):609-621
Schroeter, E.H., Wong, R.O., and Gregg, R.G. (2006) In vivo development of retinal ON-bipolar cell axonal terminals visualized in nyx::MYFP transgenic zebrafish. Visual neuroscience. 23(5):833-843
Morris, A.C., Schroeter, E.H., Bilotta, J., Wong, R.O., and Fadool, J.M. (2005) Cone Survival Despite Rod Degeneration in XOPS-mCFP Transgenic Zebrafish. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science. 46(12):4762-4771
Godinho, L., Mumm, J.S., Williams, P.R., Schroeter, E.H., Koerber, A., Park, S.W., Leach, S.D., and Wong, R.O. (2005) Targeting of amacrine cell neurites to appropriate synaptic laminae in the developing zebrafish retina. Development (Cambridge, England). 132(22):5069-5079