Figure 5

Figures for Abu Nahia et al., 2024
Figure Caption

Figure 5

Molecular profiles of diverse endothelial and neural cell subclusters

UMAP projection of endothelial (A) and neural (D) subclusters. Dotplot showing the expression of specific marker gene signatures associated with various endothelial (B) or neural (E) cell subclusters. Average expression values represent SCT normalized counts, percent expressed values represent the proportion of cells within a cluster that expresses a particular gene. Gene Ontology enrichment analysis of each endothelial (C) and neural (F) subclusters depicting the enriched functional terms (GO level 5) in each cluster. Adjusted p-values (Holm–Bonferroni) are indicated in color, gene ratio represents the gene count mapped into each GO category. Source data: Tables S14, S15, S16, and S17.

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