Fig. 7

Figures for Hsu et al., 2024
Figure Caption

Fig. 7 Inhibiting matrix metalloproteinases does not significantly affect neuromast formation but increases the number of hair cells. (a) We cut the tails of Et(HG7L) larvae at 3 days post-fertilization and then cultured them in the absence (Unt) or presence of 0–100 μM GM6001. We counted the number of larvae at each phase at designated time points (presented as days post-amputation [dpa]). The percentage of larvae in each phase is shown. For each treatment group, n = 42–46 samples were included at 0 dpa. Data were obtained from three independent experiments. Including or excluding the dead larvae did not change the results of statistical analyses. Therefore, we show only data from surviving larvae (n = 41–46 for each treatment). Chi-square tests did not reveal any significant differences in the ratios of phases between treatments. (b) Hair cells were labeled by Rhodamine 123 and counted (R123+) at designated time points. The data are presented in a grouped column scatter plot. Post hoc t-tests revealed significant differences after ANOVA revealed a significant treatment effect (p < .01). Error bars indicate SEM. *p < .05.

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