Fig. S4

Figures for Ghosh et al., 2024
Figure Caption

Fig. S4 Functional impact of RNLTR12-int inhibition on oligodendrocyte morphology, cell fate, gene expression in Schwann cells, and elimination of any off-target effect, related to Figure 2 and STAR Methods (A) Absence of complex oligodendrocyte morphology due to inhibition of RNLTR12-int. Left: immunofluorescence analysis of O4 immunostaining 5 days after transfection of siRNA. Scale bars, 26 μm. siRNLTR12-int: siRNA against RNLTR12-int, control siRNA: siGENOME non-targeting siRNA pool (Dharmacon). Right: quantification of oligodendrocyte average outgrowth area (O4 immuno stained) and the total number of cells (O4 immuno positive) counted were plotted. Mean ± SEM, n = 3 independent experiments. ∗∗p < 0.01, Student’s t test with Welch’s correction (unpaired and two tailed). (B) Inhibition of RNLTR12-int did not initiate astrocytic fate. Immunofluorescence analysis of GFAP immunostaining 5 days after transfection of siRNA. Scale bars, 60 μm. Percentage of GFAP+ cell in total DAPI+ cells were plotted. n = 3 independent experiments (each time three replicates), mean ± SEM, p > 0.05, two-way ANOVA. siRNLTR12-int: siRNA against RNLTR12-int, control siRNA: siGENOME non-targeting siRNA pool (Dharmacon). (C) Effect of inhibition of RNLTR12-int on RNA-level expression of P0 and Mbp in Schwann sells (SCs). RNA-level expressions were determined by RT-qPCR. Upon transfection (siRNLTR12-int: siRNA against RNLTR12-int or control siRNA: siGENOME non-targeting siRNA pool [Dharmacon]), SC were maintained in differentiation media for 4 days, and RNA was harvested for RT-qPCR. n = 3 independent experiments (each time 2–3 replicates), mean ± SEM, ∗∗p < 0.01, ∗p < 0.05, two-way ANOVA. (D) Exclusion of any off-target effect. siRNA-mediated inhibition of RNLTR12-int in differentiating OPC does not alter expression of genes whose intronic region (either in the same or the opposite strand) contains fragment of RNLTR12-int. Normalized values from RNA-seq data plotted, mean ± SEM, ns: p > 0.05, Benjamini-Hochberg FDR after Wald test.

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Reprinted from Cell, 187, Ghosh, T., Almeida, R.G., Zhao, C., Mannioui, A., Martin, E., Fleet, A., Chen, C.Z., Assinck, P., Ellams, S., Gonzalez, G.A., Graham, S.C., Rowitch, D.H., Stott, K., Adams, I., Zalc, B., Goldman, N., Lyons, D.A., Franklin, R.J.M., A retroviral link to vertebrate myelination through retrotransposon-RNA-mediated control of myelin gene expression, 814830.e23814-830.e23, Copyright (2024) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Cell