Fig. 1

Figures for Sebastian et al., 2024
Figure Caption

Fig. 1

Echocardiography and magnetic resonance cholangio-pancreatography (MCRP) of the patient with the ACTA2 G148R variant. A An echocardiogram showing the left ventricular long-axis view during diastole. The ventricular wall of the left ventricle exhibits an outer compacted layer (C) and an inner non-compacted trabecular layer (NC), with deep recesses formed by the trabeculations (NC/C ratio 2.0). Color Doppler imaging shows blood infiltrating into the spaces between the trabeculae (arrowheads). B On MRCP, the main pancreatic duct exhibits a reverse Z-shape (arrows) in the head of the pancreas region. C, D Chest magnetic resonance imaging shows the descending aortic deviation. LV left ventricle, C compacted layer, NC non-compacted layer, GB gallbladder, PDA patency of the ductus arteriosus

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