Fig. 2

Figures for Idoux et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Fig. 2 Effects of stretch, AA, heat, and pH changes on mechano-gated K+ channels in inside-out patches of adult zebrafish skeletal muscle fibers. (A) Activation of single-channel outward currents in response to negative pressure applied in the patch pipette. (B) Increase in channel activity in response to exposition of the cytoplasmic face to AA. (C) Increase in channel activity in response to exchange of a 20 °C to a 37 °C superfused internal solution. (D) Absence of effect of acidification of the superfused internal solution on channel activated by applying negative pressure in the pipette (three large deflections at the beginning of the current trace). (E) Increase in channel activity in response to alkalization of the superfused internal solution. The horizontal bars indicate the period during which negative pressure, AA, 37 °C solution, and pH changes are applied. The patch membrane was held at 0 mV. Insets in B–D show the current trace at the level of *on an expanded scale

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