Fig. 2.

Figures for Bravo et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Fig. 2. Macrophages are resident ovary cells in juvenile and adult zebrafish ovaries.

(A) UMAP plot of cell types present in 40-dpf ovary. (B to D) Magnified view of populations boxed in (A) showing expression of indicated genes. MΦ, macrophages; NK, natural killer–like cells; FC, follicle cells; GSC, germline stem cells; Vasc, vasculature. (E) Analysis of indicated macrophage gene expression profiles in ovarian clusters represented by dot plot graph. (F to O) Immunostained (F) to (I) juvenile and (J) to (O) adult gonads of indicated genotypes. Aif1l (yellow) labels macrophages, Ddx4 (magenta) labels germ cells, and DAPI (blue) labels DNA. Dotted lines mark macrophages. Scale bars, (F) to (I) 50 μm and (J) to (L) 100 μm. St.II, stage II oocyte (apparent cortical alveoli and a vitelline envelope); St.III, stage III oocyte (increased size and apparent yolk).

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