Figure 7
Chd7 may regulate myelin development via the MAPK pathway. (a) Volcano plot showing each gene plotted according to its log2 fold change. All highly differentially expressed genes with p < 0.05 are in orange with fold change > 1.5. In total, 589 genes were significantly up-regulated and 438 genes were significantly down-regulated. (b) Gene ontology showing the 20 most significant functional classifications for differential gene enrichment. (c) Gene set enrichment analysis determining the significantly down-regulated pathway activity in the chd7 knockout group. (d) Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes analysis determining the top 20 enriched pathways of the differentially expressed genes. (e) Real-time Q-PCR results showed that the target genes of protein CHD7 are significantly changed in expression after chd7 KO. (f) JNK activation via phosphorylation was increased in knockout group as shown via Western blot quantification. Data shown as mean ± sem. unpaired Student’s two-tailed t-test, *** p = 0.001, **** p < 0.0001.