Figure 4

Figures for Van Dyck et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Figure 4

Outgrowth of adult zebrafish RGC axons at DIV 1–3 in a microfluidic setup. Adult zebrafish retinal neurons can successfully be cultured in an open (SOC450) MFD. Confocal live cell images indicate that adult Tg(Tru.gap43:GFP)mil1(gap43) zebrafish RGCs show early outgrowth and network formation from DIV 1 onwards, and that RGC axons are growing into the microgrooves and toward the AC at DIV 2. By DIV 3, numerous axons have reached to AC or are actively growing into the AC. Scale bars: 100 μm. AC, axonal compartment; CNB, complete neurobasal medium; DIV, days in vitro; MFD, microfluidic device; RGC, retinal ganglion cell; SDC, somatodendritic compartment.

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