Selected candidate genes and the VEGF pathway are not affected in TDP-43 KO zebrafish (A) WISH with antisense probes specific for the candidate genes fli1a, plxnD1, sflt1, mflt1, sema3aa, and sema3ab in tardbp−/− ctr MO injected embryos (Control) and their tardbp−/−; Tardbpl KD siblings at 24 hpf (Magnification: ×10 anterior to the left). Depicted are representative images of embryos from one clutch. Experiment was performed with embryos of three independent clutches. (B) Relative mRNA expression of mflt1, sflt1, plxnD1, sema3aa, sema3ab, and kdrl in tardbp−/−; Tardbpl KD embryos compared to their ctr MO injected tardbp−/− siblings (Control) at 21 and 32 hpf. N = 3 (32 hpf) or n = 4 (21 hpf) pools of embryos of independent clutches, unpaired t-test, all p-values >0,5. Results were reproduced three times using the same cDNA. (C) Representative images of ctr MO injected siblings (Control) and tardbp−/−; Tardbpl KD embryos treated with 1% DMSO (solvent) as control or 0.1 μM, 0.5 μM, and 2.5 μM DMH4 inhibitor. Scale bar 50 μm, anterior to the left.
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