Fig. 1

Figures for Xie et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Fig. 1 leg1azju3/zju3leg1bzju1/zju1 double mutant exhibits a smaller liver and exocrine pancreas and thinner intestinal tube phenotype.

a, b Representative WISH images using the fabp10a probe (liver marker) at 3.5 dpf (a) and statistical analysis of the liver size (b). leg1azju3/zju3leg1bzju1/zju1 double homozygous mutants (leg1_dm) exhibited a small liver phenotype when compared with WT, leg1azju1/zju1 (leg1a_mu) single and leg1bzju1/zju1 (leg1b_mu) single homozygous mutants. a Top: the date of experiments performed; bottom right: number of embryos showing the phenotype over total embryos examined. b The y axis shows the positive signal area in each embryo stained with the fabp10a probe. cf Representative WISH images using the combination of fabp10a (liver) and trypsin (exocrine pancreas) (c) and of fabp10a (liver) and fabp2 (intestine marker) (e) probes on WT, leg1a_mu single, leg1b_mu single and leg1_dm double mutant embryos at 3.5 dpf. c, e Top: the date of experiments performed; bottom right: number of embryos showing the phenotype over total embryos examined. L, liver (outlined by a yellow line in c, e); P, exocrine pancreas (outlined by a magenta line in c); I, intestinal tube (outlined by a magenta line in e). Statistical analysis of the sizes of exocrine pancreas (left) and liver (middle) (d) and of the intestine (left) and liver (middle) (f) was performed, respectively. The ratios of liver vs exocrine pancreas (right panel in d) and of liver vs intestine (right panel in f) for each genotype were also shown. ***P < 0.001; ns, no significance.

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