Figure Caption

Figure 3—figure supplement 1. Delayed differentiation but normal RPE and proliferation in zebrafish vsxKO eyes at 24‐26hpf.

(a, b). Phospho‐histone H3 (PH3) antibody staining was used to evaluate proliferation in WT (a) and vsxKO (b) retinas at 24hpf. (c). Quantification of PH3 positive cells in WT and vsxKO retinas at 24hpf. No significant differences (p>0.05) were detected at that stage between both samples using an unpaired t-test. Data is shown as mean ± SD. (d-g). Confocal representative images of RPE markers tfec (d, e) and bhlhe40 (f, g) by fluorescent in situ hybridization at 24hpf. No major changes in the expression of both genes are detected in vsxKO embryos (e, g) compared to WT samples (d, f), n≥6. (h, i). Lateral view (anterior to the left) from 26hpf WT (h) and vsxKO (i) heads showing the expression of atoh7 gene by colorimetric in situ hybridization. The onset of atoh7 expression is delayed in mutant retinas compared to WT animals. Note an atoh7 positive cell in WT eye at that stage (black arrowhead) n≥12. L: lens, ns: not significant. Scale bar: 50µm .

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