Fig. 2

Figures for Lv et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Fig. 2

MECOM is required for EC differentiation from hiPSC.

a–d scRNA-seq analysis reveals MECOM as a molecular signature of iPSC-derived ECs. (a) T-SNE plot of combined cells from days 8 and 12 of EC differentiation. 11 cell clusters are defined based on transcriptomic similarity. b,c Expression profiles of MECOM and VEGFR2 across 11 individual clusters (b) compared with other known EC markers (CDH5, VWF, ERG) (c). d Proportion of cells assigned to the MECOM positive cluster 0 on day 8 and day 12. e–k Experimental verification of MECOM as a lineage factor required for EC lineage transition from iPSCs (e) Relative expression level of MECOM in MECOM KO sample. f FACS analysis of CD31+CDH5+ ECs. g Quantification of CD31+CDH5+ EC percentage. h–k Relative gene expression levels of eNOS (h), VWF (i), OCT4 (j), and SOX2 (k) in MECOM KO sample. Data are presented as mean values ± SD (e, g–k). n = 4 biologically independent samples (e–k), P values are determined by two-tailed Student’s t test. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.

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