Fig. 5

Figures for Frey et al., 2022
Figure Caption

Fig. 5 Fig. 5. Cell proliferation in retinas of fluke-infected eyes of threespine stickleback. Sections (7 μm thickness) were counterstained with DAPI to show positions of retinal nuclei. A-C. Anti-PCNA (A) and DAPI (B) staining of a region of a fluke-infected eye (from Grimsa) showing PCNA + nuclei (C; merged image) within the outer nuclear layer (ONL), possibly representing a response by rod precursors to photoreceptor damage. Inset to C is a merged image of a region an uninfected eye (from Berserk) showing no damage and very few PCNA-positive nuclei (arrows). D-F. Anti-PCNA (D) and DAPI (E) staining of a region of a fluke-infected eye (from Galta) showing PCNA + nuclei (F; merged image) within the ONL, along with clusters of nuclei and individual nuclei within the inner nuclear layer (INL), possibly representing a more robust regenerative response. Inset to F is a merged image of a region from the same eye showing no damage and no PCNA-positive nuclei. AF, autofluorescence of photoreceptor inner segments. Scale bars: A (applies to B–F), 20 μm; Insets to C and F, 20 μm.

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Reprinted from Experimental Eye Research, 225, Frey, R.A., Barrett, L.M., Parkin, L., Blakeley, B., Ålund, M., Byford, G., Euhus, A., Tsarnas, C., Boughman, J.W., Stenkamp, D.L., Eye flukes (Diplostomum spp.) damage retinal tissue and may cause a regenerative response in wild threespine stickleback fish, 109298, Copyright (2022) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Exp. Eye. Res.