Fig. 7 Retinal lamination phenotypes in Crk adaptor mutant embryos separate into two classes and loss of Crk adaptors leads to fewer cells in the retina. Quantifications of the inner retina phenotype of 48 hpf and 72 hpf CCLL, ccLL, CCll, and ccll transverse sections from Figure 6. A and B, Schematics depicting lamination defect quantification to generate the % IPL per total outer curve and % OPL per total outer curve respectively. C and D, Lamination classification of Crk mutant embryos based on retina section % inner plexiform layer (IPL) per total outer curve (C, 48 hpf) and % outer plexiform layer (OPL) per total outer curve (D, 72 hpf). Gray line indicates one SD below the CCLL mean and red line indicates two SDs below the mean, which is the classification cutoff. Class 1 embryos (black dots) have % plexiform layer measurements above the red line and class 2 embryos (gray dots) have % plexiform layer measurements below the red line. Error bars represent SD. E and F, Percent of embryos in each genotype that fall into class 1 and class 2 for lamination phenotype. E, 48 hpf; F, 72 hpf. Black bar indicates class 1, gray bar indicates class 2. Sample size for each genotype and class is denoted in each bar. G and H, Box plots showing total number of cells in each retina section by lamination class (class 1/class 2) separated by genotype. G, 48 hpf; H, 72 hpf. Black dots, CCLL; dark purple dots, ccLL; light purple dots, CCll; white dots, ccll. C, wild-type crk allele; c, mutant crk allele; L, wild-type crkl allele; l, mutant crkl allele
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