Fig. 6
Perinuclear IDR-containing proteins with phase separation ability. (A) Venn diagram (analyzed with BioVenn, available at showing the overlap between predictions by catGRANULE (score ≥ 0.5), PScore (score ≥ 4.0) and perinuclear proteins with peer-reviewed published evidence of phase behavior (in vitro and/or in vivo). (B) STRING network of functional and physical protein-protein interactions. Top: perinuclear LLPS-IDR-containing proteins with 43 members. Bottom: LLPS-IDR-containing proteins with 74 members. Proteins highlighted in cyan are potential hubs using this classification. (C) Combined STRING (only physical interaction shown) and UniProt keywords evaluation of NA-related and cytoskeleton-related processes. Top: LLPS-IDR-containing proteins. Bottom: non-LLPS-IDR-containing proteins. Evidence from literature is assigned with PMID. Legend is shown in the middle.
Reprinted from Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular cell research, 1869, do Amaral, M.J., de Andrade Rosa, I., Andrade, S.A., Fang, X., Andrade, L.R., Costa, M.L., Mermelstein, C., The perinuclear region concentrates disordered proteins with predicted phase separation distributed in a 3D network of cytoskeletal filaments and organelles, 119161, Copyright (2022) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ BBA Molecular Cell Research