Fig. 4
Morphology of Kupffer’s vesicle (KV) and cilia in carmil3 mutant embryos. (A) Line drawing of a 6-somite stage embryo in a lateral view with KV outlined in green. On the right side is an image of a Tg(sox17:GFP) labeled KV. (A’) Line drawing of a posterior view of the 6-somite stage embryo. This view was used to collect confocal images. On the right side is a maximum intensity z projected image showing KV. Panels B through C are from one analysis, based on wide-field fluorescence images showing the morphology of sox17-EGFP labelling of the KV in +/− carmil3stl413 control (B) and MZcarmil3stl413 mutant (B’ and B”') embryos at the 6-somite stage. The KV is outlined by the dashed yellow line. (C) Area of the KV in +/− carmil3stl413 control and MZcarmil3stl413 mutant embryos. All the data points are shown. The red lines indicate the mean and one standard error of the mean. The results are statistically significant with a p value of < 0.0001 based on Student’s t-test. The number of embryos analyzed was 15 for control and 30 for mutant. In this set of experiments, the control was a heterozygous strain. Panels D and E show results of the experiments testing if injected WT carmil3 RNA can rescue KV area in MZcarmil3 mutants. KV area was scored similarly to Figure 4 panel B. (D) Data from individual clutches are presented in the same color, e.g., orange colors are injections into a WT clutch of a control RNA, 2.5, or 5 pg of WT carmil3 RNA. Variability in ranges correlates with different clutches. Clutches used for only one injection are in grays. (E) Unpaired Student’s T-test with unequal standard deviation for rescue experiments. We plotted average area for each injection condition, with Standard Error of the Mean. Comparisons with significant p values are indicated by bars.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 481, Stark, B.C., Gao, Y., Sepich, D.S., Belk, L., Culver, M.A., Hu, B., Mekel, M., Ferris, W., Shin, J., Solnica-Krezel, L., Lin, F., Cooper, J.A., CARMIL3 is important for cell migration and morphogenesis during early development in zebrafish, 148-159, Copyright (2021) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.