Fig. 5

Figures for Ping et al., 2021
Figure Caption

Fig. 5

GJA8 interacts with Atg proteins. (A) Diagram of the GJA8 protein that contains 2 extracellular domains, 4 transmembrane domains and 3 intracellular domains. aa: amino acid. (B) Diagram of the different forms of GJA8 (GJA8-Flag, GJA81−229-Flag, GJA8196−433-Flag) tagged with Flag. (C) Immunoblot for immunoprecipitates from GJA8-Flag with Atg16L1-HA, ATG12-HA, or ATG9-HA in HEK293T cells. (D) Immunoblot for immunoprecipitates from ATG16L1 with GJA8-Flag, GJA81−229-Flag, GJA8196−433-Flag in HEK293T cells. WCL: whole cell lysis. WCL is used as a negative control for immunoprecipitates

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