Fig. 1
a A schematic illustration of the sfGFP-Vangl2 knock-in targeting strategy. b Wide-field fluorescence images demonstrating sfGFP-Vangl2 expression in vangl2sfGFP/+ and vangl2sfGFP/sfGFP embryos at 28 h post-fertilization (hpf). c Lateral view of wild-type, vangl2sfGFP/sfGFP, vangl2sfGFP/m209 and vangl2m209/m209 embryos at 24 hpf. d Embryo length quantification at 24 hpf. Data shows representative experiments combined from independent crosses that were repeated 2-4 times. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons test (****P < 0.0001). Wild-type n = 14, vangl2sfGFP/+ n = 22, vangl2sfGFP/sfGFP n = 20, vangl2m209/+ n = 82, vangl2sfGFP/m209 n = 72, vangl2m209 n = 63. Horizontal line labels mean, and dots indicate individual embryo measurements. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. e Live confocal images of representative vangl2sfGFP/sfGFP (hereafter referred as vangl2sfGFP) embryos at blastula through early gastrula stages, as indicated (n = 6 for each stage). Ectodermal cells were imaged in gastrulating embryos. Embryos were injected with mRNA coding for a membrane-localized monomeric RFP (mRFP) reporter. All sfGFP images were acquired using identical settings. Arrows point at membrane-localized Vangl2 at high stage and arrowheads point at cytoplasmic Vangl2 puncta. Live confocal images of representative shield staged vangl2sfGFP embryos injected with mRNA coding for mCherry-Rab5c (f), mCherry-Rab7 (g), mCherry-Rab11a (h) or GalT-RFP (i) reporter constructs (n = 4 for each reporter). Arrows point at cytoplasmic Vangl2 puncta in close proximity to respective reporters, and arrowheads point at isolated Vangl2 puncta.