Fig. 3

Figures for Ethiraj et al., 2022
Figure Caption

Fig. 3

Colocalization of TRAP-ELF97 reaction product with fluorescent proteins and dyes. A-F) Whole-mount confocal images of a fin ray fracture in ctsk:Dsred; sp7:egfp double transgenic adults, processed at 7 dpc for ELF97 TRAP fluorescence and counterstained with DAPI. Individual fluorescent channels for ctsk:Dsred (A), ELF97 (B), sp7:egfp (C), DsRed and ELF97 channel overlay (D), DsRed, EGFP and ELF97 channel overlay (E), all channels including DAPI (F). TRAP-ELF97 fluorescence is seen associated with DsRed labelled osteoclasts within the callus. G-I) Confocal images of whole-mount adult zebrafish fin ray subjected to crush fracture and processed at 4 dpc for Calcein (G) and ELF97 (H) staining. TRAP activity is seen within the bone matrix of the callus (I). J-N) Confocal image of cryosection through an adult zebrafish pharyngeal tooth which has been stained with Alizarin Red (J,M), ELF97 (K) and colorimetric TRAP (N). Overlay of both channels indicates TRAP staining surrounding the bone mineral (L). Scale bars: F,I,L,N) 20 μm.

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