Fig. 2

Figures for Truong et al., 2022
Figure Caption

Fig. 2

Developmental toxicity screening using the embryonic zebrafish model.

A. Summary of Developmental Toxicity Bioactivity. Dots are colored by their activity (hypo vs hyper), their size represents Point Of Departure (POD) estimate (larger = higher POD), and transparency levels represent the potency (darker = more potent). B. Venn Diagram of the number of PFAS that were bioactive in morphology, embryonic photomotor response (EPR), and larval photomotor response (LPR) assays.

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Reprinted from Journal of hazardous materials, 431, Truong, L., Rericha, Y., Thunga, P., Marvel, S., Wallis, D., Simonich, M.T., Field, J.A., Cao, D., Reif, D.M., Tanguay, R.L., Systematic developmental toxicity assessment of a structurally diverse library of PFAS in zebrafish, 128615, Copyright (2022) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ J. Hazard. Mater.