Fig. 1
A Flowchart for drug screening in c-mybhyper transgenic zebrafish. For preliminary screening, 96-well plates were used and each well was placed 5 embryos to detect potential effective drugs. For secondary screening, 12-well plates were used and each well was placed more embryos (n > 15) to further verify the potential effective drugs screened from the preliminary screening. B Natural estrogens decreased SB positive cells in the CHT region in c-mybhyper transgenic zebrafish. Many pairs of zebrafish parents were selected for the drugs treatment, the embryos from each parent pair were randomly divided into two groups, one for a compound treated group and the other for its control (DMSO group). (t-test, ***p < 0.001, **p < 0.01. n > 15.) C Progesterone had no effect on SB positive cells in the CHT region in c-mybhyper transgenic zebrafish. (t-test, ns, no significance. n > 15).