Fig. 3 - supplement 2

Figures for Amini et al., 2022
Figure Caption

Fig. 3 - supplement 2

Analysis of HC migration behaviour upon onstacle encounter.

(A) Stills from time-lapse images of basal-to-apical migration trajectories of two horizontal cells (HCs): blue dashed line: HC-1; red dashed line: HC-2 in the crowded retina. Time series show that both HCs change direction and cell shape while moving toward their final position. Tg(lhx-1:eGFP) labels HC cytoplasm (green) and Tg(hsp70:H2B-RFP) is expressed in all retinal nuclei (magenta). Line: apical surface, dashed line: forming inner plexiform layer (IPL); scale bar: 20 μm. (A’) Insets of HC cytoplasm (gray) from (A). HC-1; blue contour: HC-1; red contour: HC-2. (B) Radial-tangential migration trajectories of HCs from (A-A’). Tracked HCs change direction in both radial (apical-basal) and tangential (lateral) axis while moving to their final laminar site. See Figure 3—source data 3. (C) Direction change and nuclear deformations of a tracked HC as it moves through the crowded retina. lap2b:eGFP DNA labels nuclear envelopes (gray). HCs and amacrine cells (ACs) are labeled in Tg(Ptf1a:dsRed) (magenta). Line: apical surface; white dot: tracked HC; dashed line: IPL; scale bar: 10 μm. (C’) Higher magnification insets of HC nuclei envelope from (C). Scale bar: 5 μm. (D) Radial-tangential migration trajectory of HC from (C). See Figure 3—source data 3. Time in h:min (A, C).

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