Fig. S4 RNA-sequencing reveals differential expression of several solute carriers and mitochondrial solute carriers.
(A) Heat map of expression in C versus NC, NC versus WT, and C versus WT, of solute carriers in plasma membrane. “td” = tandem duplicate. Family 1 = amino acid transporters; Family 2 = glucose transporters; Family 3 = heteromeric amino acid transporters; Family 4 = bicarbonate transporters; Family 5 = Na+-dependent glucose transporters; Family 6 = neurotransmitters transporters; Family 7 = heteromeric aa transporters; Family 8 = sodium/calcium transporters; Family 9 = sodium/hydrogen transporters; Family 10 = sodium bile acid transporters; Family 11 = proton coupled chloride transporters; Family 12 = cation coupled chloride transporters; Family 13 = sodium-dependent dicarboxylate transporter; Family 15 = proton oligopeptide transporters; Family 16 = monocarboxylate transporter; Family 17 = phosphate and organic transporters; Family 20 = sodium-dependent phosphate transporters; Family 22 = organic and anion transporters; Family 23 = ascorbic acid transporters; Family 24 = sodium/potassium/calcium transporters; Family 26 = anion exchangers; Family 27 = fatty acid transporters; Family 29 = nucleoside transporters; Family 30 = zinc transporters; Family 32 = GABA of glycine vesicle transporters; Family 34 = sodium phosphate; Family 35 = nucleotide sugar; Family 37 = phosphosugar/phosphate exchangers; Family 38 = sodium-dependent neutral amino acid; Family 39 = metal ion transporters; Family 41 = divalent cation transporters; Family 43 = large neutral amino acid transporters; Family 45 = putative sugar transporters; Family 47 = multidrug and toxin extrusion transporters; Family 48 = heme transporter; Family 49 = FLVCR-related heme transporters; Family 50 = sugar transporters; Family 66 = lysosomal amino acid transporters. (B) Heat map of expression in C versus NC, NC versus WT and C versus WT, of mitochondrial solute carriers (SLC family 25). “Solute carrier family 8 member 1b” = Na+/Ca2+ exchanger; “Solute carrier family 25 member 13” = aspartate-glutamate carrier; “Solute carrier family 25 member 15a” = ornithine transporter role in urea cycle; “Solute carrier family 25 member 22a” = malate-aspartate shuttle, glutamate transporter; “Solute carrier family 25 member 38a” = mitochondrial glycine transporter functions in heme biosynthesis, orthologue of APOPTOSIN.” Solute carrier family 25 member 55a” = letmd1.