Fig. 1
Characterization of cdkl5sa21938 mutation. (A) Localization of sa21938 mutation in zebrafish cdkl5 gene. Exons and introns are represented by boxes and solid lines, respectively. In the structure of transcripts, white and grey boxes represent untranslated regions and coding regions, respectively. cdkl5 gene (ENSDARG00000015240) and transcripts (NM_001145768 and NM_001130771) were retrieved from NCBI and Ensembl databases, respectively. Exons are in scale except exons 11 and 18. (B) Scheme of the wild-type and mutant Cdkl5 protein. PTC indicates a premature termination codon. Cdkl5 protein (NP_001124243) is available in NCBI database.