NCC sensitivity to increased Hoxb5b activity is restricted to earlier stages of development. (A) Schematized model of when heat shocks occurred relative to standard stages of NCC development in zebrafish. (B–H) Whole mount immunolabeled hsp70l:GFP-hoxb5b + embryos and their GFP- sibling controls (HS14: n = 6, HS21: n = 6, HS48: n = 12) using an antibody against Elavl3/4. hsp70l:GFP-hoxb5b + embryos heat shocked either at 14 hpf (n = 11) or 21 hpf (n = 10) both exhibited fewer differentiating enteric neurons than controls, but not embryos heat shocked at 48 hpf (n = 14). Numbers of enteric neurons are quantified in (H, HS14: p = 0.000232; HS21: p = 0.001684; HS48: p = 0.5813). Scale Bar (B): 100 μm.