Figure 2

Figures for Brun et al., 2021
Figure Caption

Figure 2

Larval behavior. (A) Optomotor response of wild-type (WT) and cyp20a1 wh61 mutant larvae (n = 95–111, depending on tracking success). (B) The locomotor activity of cyp20a1-/- wh61 mutant larvae (n = 65) during the dark and the light phases in comparison to the WT larvae (n = 71). Increased movement is interpreted as hyperactivity. (C) Rapid startle response to the highest acoustic stimulus (43 dB) of WT (n = 138) and cyp20a1 wh61 (n = 127) larvae. (D) Habituation to the highest acoustic stimulus of WT and cyp20a1-/- wh61 mutant larvae measured as short-latency C-bend response (SLC; < 15 ms) per plate (n = 11) and depicted as mean ± 95 CI. All individual data points represent biologically independent replicates from three independent experiments.

Figure Data
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