Figure 4
Cloning and expression of Zetnf-b. (A) Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of Zetnf-b (M: DL2000 marker. 1: complementary DNA (cDNA) template. 2: sterile water negative control). (B) Double digestion results of recombinant plasmid pET32a-Zetnfb (M: λ-EcoT14 I digest. 1: recombinant plasmid pET32a-Zetnfb. 2: recombinant plasmid pET32a-Zetnfb double digestion [upper 5900 bp, lower 729 bp)]. (C) Expression of rZetnfb (M: low molecular weight pre-stained marker. 1: pET32a-Zetnfb; not induced. 2: pET32a-Zetnfb induced supernatant. 3: pET32a-Zetnfb induced precipitation). (D) Western blotting of Zetnf-b polyclonal antibody (1: pET32a; no-load not induced. 2: pET32a; no-load induced. 3: pET32a-Zetnfb; not induced. 4: pET32a-Zetnfb; induced).