Fig 1

Figures for Marsay et al., 2021
Figure Caption

Fig 1

cd9a and cd9b are expressed in the pLLP during zebrafish development.

A-F: Micrographs of WISH of cd9a and cd9b at 36 hpf with sense and anti-sense probes. (a-b) Overview shows staining in pLL; (c-d) higher resolution images show expression in the primordium; (e-f) sense probes show no staining. G-J: WISH of cd9a and cd9b at 48 hpf; (g-h) overview shows staining in pLL; (i-j) higher resolution images show expression in a neuromast. K-L: WISH of cd9a and cd9b at 5 dpf in a neuromast. Arrows indicate primordium (black) and neuromasts (red). Scale bar indicates 50 μm (white).

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