Figure 5
Chronic effects of intestinal miR-21 expression on colitis. (A) Schematic diagram of the Dox treatment strategy in adult ImiR-21. ImiR-21 larvae were treated with 25 μg/mL Dox from 5 to 8 months post-fertilization (mpf). (B) Representative Western blots of the intestinal protein of WT ± Dox and ImiR-21 ± Dox at 6 mpf/1 months post-treatment (mpt). (C) Expression patterns of Ptenb, p-Akt, Pdcd4, and p-Stat3 in 6 mpf/1 mpt WT + Dox and ImiR-21 ± Dox intestine samples after immunohistochemical staining. Scale bar: 50 μm. (D) Representative images of alcian blue-stained intestines of WT + Dox and ImiR-21 ± Dox at 6 mpf/1 mpt. Goblet cell hyperplasia (black arrow) and reduction of mucus layer (blue arrow) were observed in ImiR-21 + Dox intestine. Scale bar: 50 μm.